Use-cases for GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Design Team members: Paul Barford - University of Wisconsin – Madison Jim Griffioen - Univ Kentucky Prasad Calyam* - Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet Camilo Viecco - Indiana Univ Brian Hay – Univ Alaska *agreed to organize first writing and discussion July 22 nd 2010
User Groups and Use Cases Experiment Researchers –Have I got the resources I asked? –Is the experiment environment functioning as expected over my slice lifetime? –Can I trace my non-intuitive results to a problem in the environment? –Collect active and passive measurements at hop, link, path and slice levels… –I need processed measurements feedback to control my experiment progress… –Can I have an archive of the experiment measurements collected for offline analysis? –I would like to have sharing mechanisms to disseminate my experiment measurements… Experiment (Opt-In) Users –Show me the end-to-end delay and loss characteristics of the network paths between my computer and all the P2P servers in the GENI experiment… –Show me whether I got all the resources (e.g., CPU, memory, disk space) with the performance that I expect in my virtual desktop computer… –Let me query the latest status of my application resources so that I can know the reason for the poor performance of my GENI experiment application… Central (i.e., GMOC) Operators –I need processed measurements feedback of mis-behaving slices so that I can invoke “emergency shutdown” to swap them out! –Experimenter called GMOC about non-responsiveness of resources or unexpected behavior in a slice spanning multiple aggregates, notify status of user slice resources… –We want experiment meta-data after each slice expires to correlate infrastructure usage… 2
User Groups and Use Cases (2) Aggregate Providers and Operators –Collect active and passive measurements at hop, link, path and slice levels… –Provide policies for measurement data acquisition/access to be granted based on the privileges assigned to the different user roles… –I need processed measurements feedback of mis-behaving slices so that I can swap the experiment out and/or reallocate resources… –GMOC has complained about non-responsiveness of resources or unexpected behavior in a slice using my aggregate, notify status of the user slice resources… Archive Providers and Operators –Publish measurement archives in the repositories with suitable keywords that allow me to catalog indexes for future search and retrieval purposes… –Provide policies for measurement data acquisition/access to be granted based on the privileges assigned to the different user roles… –I would like users to use my tools and transformation libraries that deal with various data formats to: share, annotate, search and cite the measurement datasets in my repositories… Researchers that use Archived Measurement Data –I would like to get search results and access to measurement archives when I use different search keywords… –I would like to be able to share (e.g., , post on Twitter), annotate, search and cite the measurement datasets in repositories of several Archive Providers… 3