Make a quick sketch of the map showing the and occupied by Israel after the 1967 ‘Six Day War’. Include clear labels to help with revision. You have just 3 minutes!
MustExplain who Anwar Sadat was in detail.C ShouldAnalyse how the effects of the 1967 war shaped Arab- Israeli relations between B CouldMake a justified judgement about the extent to which another war after 1967 was inevitable. A-A*
Yom Kippur War 1973 Read page 30. Yom Kippur Definition. Who the hell are you!? = Anwar Sadat bio. ‘No peace, No War’ = Definition.
Sir’s gone crazy! Mr. Patrick was due to create a podcast on the build up to the Yom Kippur War. But he can’t! He’s been zombified! Create a two minute podcast on the tension between the Arabs and the Israelis between 1967 – 1973.
Another war after 1967?! Decide where your answer will go on the decision line. Write a justification the post-it note and stick! Be prepared to discus your answer.