Section 2: Information Sources for Arts Events
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 2 INFORMATION SOURCES BY SEGMENT Those in the Interested segment are considerably more likely to access a wider range of information sources and to gather information more proactively e.g. they are more likely to pick up flyers in cafes, see information at venues they are at already or to seek information from websites. This indicates that there are different channels that could be used to maximise awareness of events for the different segments. This divergence in use of communication channels also applied across Regions. Q8b. Where do you normally find information about arts events and activities? N=429 Significant Diffs
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 3 INTERESTEDDISINCLINED Despite some differences in the breadth of information sources used by the Interested vs. the Disinclined segments, there is general overlap in the sources they would like to use for arts and entertainment information. While the Interested are more likely to use websites to find information, both segments can be accessed via local papers, radio and television. In this case, we included publications like City News and Brisbane News in ‘Local papers’ to compile Brisbane Residents responses. As shown in the previous slide, word of mouth was a key information source used by both segments however the preference for this form of communication was relatively low. PREFERRED INFORMATION SOURCES – BY SEGMENT Q9. Of these sources, which is your preferred source or the one you use the most? N=No. who nominated each source as one they used
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 4 INFORMATION SOURCES - BY REGION Regional Queenslanders reported using local papers, TV and Radio significantly more as sources of information about Arts and entertainment, while those living in the Brisbane metro region reported using newsletters or websites more as a source of information. The differences between regions mirrored the trends between segments. We found that segment profiles change slightly in response to the effect of location i.e. the Metro Disinclined use more “Interested” sources and the Regional Interested use more “Disinclined” sources. Q8b. Where do you normally find out about arts events and activities? N=429 Significant Diffs
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 5 The charts above demonstrate the top 5 preferred sources of information for Arts and entertainment events by region. The trend for preferred sources closely mirrors the actual sources respondents reported using. For all regions the local paper/ suburban newspaper is the most preferred method. Brisbane residents have a greater preferences for sourcing information from a website, while those in regional areas have a greater preference for radio and TV. REGIONAL N=213 BRISBANE N=216 PREFERRED SOURCES OF INFORMATION - BY REGION Q9. Of these sources, which is your preferred source or the one you use the most? N=No. who nominated each source as one they used