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University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan
Presentation transcript:


The object must be of definite reference. It must refer to a specific object or concept. the dog 狗 this book 这本书 that clothing 那件衣服 his students 他的学生 my paper 我张纸 your homework 你的作业 that kind of … 那种的。。。

Verb requirements Transitive verb – it has an object Action verb – the verb “disposes” of the object But, action verbs not used with 把: Some directional verbs: 进,出,走,上,下 (jin, chu, zou, shang, xia) Mental activity vbs: 喜欢,觉得,看见,知道,欢迎 xihuan, juede, kanjian, zhidao, huanying Accidental action verbs: 碰见,遇到,得到,接逅 pengjian, yudao, dedao, jiehou

It is mostly used with completed action or action with duration verbs. I forgot all of their names. He lost my book. Please study your lesson. She opened the windows. They closed the door. She carried the tea upstairs. I revised the test twice.

Sentence Structure S - x – ba – Obj – verb + phrase x could be a negative, a modal, possibly a time Verb phrase could have 在,到,给,成 他们把食物放在盘子了。 Tamen ba shi wu fang zai pan zi le. Verb phrase could be a complement (resultative, directional, location, duration, frequency, etc) 我把那个字写错了。 Wo ba na ge zi xie cuo le. It could be 了 or 这 你把这杯酒喝了。 Ni ba zhe bei jiu he le.

Examples 他把那个杯子打 破了 Ta ba na ge beizi da po le. He broke the cup. 司机把汽车修好 了 Siji ba qiche xiu hao le. The driver repaired his car. 她把窗户都打开 了 Ta ba chuang hu dou da kai le. She opened all the windows. 他们把门关了 Tamen ba men guan le. They closed the door. 请把蛋糕吃了 Qing ba dangao chiwan le. Please finish the cake.