Solar Energy Comenius Project
Experiment Connect the solar panel to the multi meters Let the light fall onto the panel and measure the production Find out how you can increase the production. Study the angle in which the solar radiation falls Measure the distance between the lamp and the panel Study the influence of shadow and clouds ( with papers, handkerchiefs, …)
Solar Energy kit On this picture you see all the equipment you might need in the experiment. Just light up the lamp and let it shine onto your solar panel. Connect your solar panel to the multi meter and you can begin measuring.
Search for most effective corner of solar panel: results The panels are faced to the South MonthSun cornerPanel cornerHours of sun per day January19°71°8 February28°62°10 March39°51°12 April51°39°14 May59°31°16 June62°28°17 July59°31°16 August51°39°15 September39°51°13 October27°63°11 November19°71°9 December16°74°8
Hints for mounting solar panels Face your panels to the South Put your panels in a 90° angle with the sun Mounting materials: - Aluminum - lightweight, strong, and resistant to corrosion. Aluminum angle is an easy material to work with, holes can be drilled with commonly available tools, and the material is compatible with many PV module frames. Aluminum is not easy to weld. - Stainless Steel - expensive and difficult to work with but will last for decades. May be a good investment in salt spray environments.
Price list Sun boilers: - SB32-9PV Solar Boiler System - $3,764.oo CAD - SB64-9PV Solar Boiler System - $4,659.oo CAD Solar panels: - £2,750 One to two person system - 20 evacuated tubes - £2,950 Three to four person system - 30 evacuated tubes - £3,450 East/West one to two person system - 2*20 evacuated tubes - £3,900 East/West three to four person system - 2*30 evacuated tubes