1 © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc _05F9-c1 Aggregated RSVP Bruce, Carol, Francois, and Fred Taggers on the Information Superhighway
2 Changes from -00 Black hole issues Mapping end-to-end to aggregate reservations Session etc objects Multicast now works Multiple levels of aggregation Relationship to Tunnel draft
3 Multiple levels of aggregation Recursive aggregation of reservations accomplished using an aggregation level in Router Alert for end-to- end reservation Router Alert Length Aggregation Level
4 Relationship to Tunnel draft Points of alignment Tunnel draft eliminated unnecessary modification of Hop object ADSPEC update modification at egress modified in both (2 bugs) Remaining non-alignments are because this is a different problem
5 What are we trying to aggregate? Classification Use DSCP instead of flow 5-tuple Scheduling Dump many streams into the same queue on a given interface Reservation state Make a few large reservations instead of many small ones across a domain
6 Fundamental assumptions Edge or Transit domains We can aggregate reservations using DSCP for controlled load traffic Primarily in transit domains Blindly transfer end to end reservations using another IP Protocol Number - change at edge Routers detect egress of reservation (deaggregation) on transfer from an interior or aggregator interface to an exterior (deaggregating) interface
7 Areas we would like to use this in Interconnection of PSTN call gateways, or other things in a VPN sense Aggregation of RSVP paths in an edge domain Aggregation of RSVP paths in a transit domain
8 Gateway-gateway “VPN” reservation Use differentiated services code points (DSCP) to classify traffic between static domains Router-Router “proxy” reservation Edge Domain Edge Domain
9 Aggregate classification across edge networks for VoIP Aggregate voice calls between PSTN domains across a VoIP domain PSTN
10 Aggregate classification in edge networks for end systems Reservation requested by host in the usual way (RFC 2205) Flow classification and policing at first hop router Flow admission along end to end path Aggregate classification and policing at subsequent routers Policing of flows Policing and scheduling of aggregates
11 Voice/video calls Placed across aggregation domain boundary Aggregate classification and admission across service provider networks Aggregate reservations Placed from ingress to egress for DSCP used Use EF or AF service depending on application Limited rate of change
12 New objects on aggregate signaling messages Session Object Sender Template Filter Specification IP4/IP6 Deaggregator/Multicast Address FlagsDSCP IP4/IP6 Aggregator Address
13 New objects inserted into end to end reservations DCLASS is used in end-to-end RESV to inform aggregator which DSCP deaggregator expects it to use May be used to verify correctness End-to-end messages sent using alternate IP Protocol ID Recommend using Ack-Request extension to assure correct deaggregation
14 Unicast Setup Setting up a unicast or tunnel, it is easy to find where you need a reservation FF from ingress to egress gets one bit of reservation for one bit of data carried
15 Multicast setup Corner Cases: We continually run into corner cases trying to aggregate IP4/IP6 Multicast groups Interesting issue: {S,G} and {*,G} paths may not coincide, but aggregated ones try to Hard issue is getting one bit of reservation for one bit of data carried Proposed resolution: Aggregate classification and scheduling via DSCP Do not aggregate multicast reservations
16 Styles in various models Unicast works obviously using FF style Unicast tunnels work by extension Multicast had a proposed new style in -00 draft; this allows for SE use from ingress to multicast group
17 The role of reservation sizing We feel that the actual sizing algorithm is a local policy issue For example, a locality might want to install certain bandwidth reservations a priori at certain times of the day However, its broad outline is obvious With high confidence, have pre-allocated enough bandwidth for your needs by the time you need it, With reasonable confidence and timeliness, release unneeded bandwidth
18 State of work We believe the specification works as written - welcome review We’d like to make it a working group document... Prepared for test implementation