Five Approaches to Psychology
Neurobiological Karl Lashley (1890 – 1958) Studies the ways in which the brain and nervous system are involved in behavior. Looks to see if there is a genetic link or chemical imbalance that causes behavior. Looks to the body/mind to explain behavior. Medications will change behavior. Examples: violent, angry male, depression.
Psychoanalytical Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1936) Studies how the unconscious mind influences behavior. Looks at how early childhood experiences and unresolved conflicts influence behavior. Unresolved conflicts show up in dreams, body language, and Freudian slips. Examples: Fear of commitment, depression
Behavioral B.F. Skinner and John Watson (1878 – 1958) Our environment influences our behavior: parents, community, peers, etc. Our behavior stems from what we observe in our environment. We mimic, model, and imitate what we see. Our behavior is strengthened or weakened through positive or negative reinforcements. Examples: Smoking, depression.
Cognitive Jean Piaget (1895 – 1980) How we think, problem solve, and reason will influence our behavior. Our thought perception, attitude, reactions, and learning from mistakes also influence our behavior. These conscious choices and decisions guide our behavior. Examples: Diagnosed with cancer, depression.
Humanistic Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow (1902 –1987) Believe in free will when making choices and these choices impact our behavior. Our choices define who we are. Believe we all strive for self-actualization and feeling of self worth and this need motivates the choices we make. Believe we all want to grow and strive to become the best we can but our choices sometimes prevent that. Examples: Overachiever, depression.