Changing Behaviour Attitudes
Objectives Understand what attitude is? Describe what the triadic model of attitudes is Understand how attitudes are formed and how they are effected Understand why we need to form positive attitudes
What is an Attitude? In pairs discuss what an attitude is and come up with a definition? An attitude is a view held by an individual towards an attitude object The view may be positive, negative or neutral Makes a person act in a certain way towards the attitude object
Attitudes are specific not global (Gill 1986) If a player has a problem with one referee in a game, does this mean they have and attitude with all officials? Attitudes are specific not global (Gill 1986)
Prejudice Give me an example of prejudice? Emo’s Goth’s Skater’s A value judgement of someone or something based on incomplete, inaccurate and stereotypical views So why does this make it an attitude?? You will behave in a certain way towards the person or object you have the prejudice attitude against.
Multi-Dimensional Attitudes are multi-dimensional, they are made up of: Knowledge Emotional feelings Behavioural Intentions
Attitudes and Social Norms What are social norms / socially acceptable? Social Norms are: Unwritten rules Behaviours Values Beliefs/attitudes When someone is accused of having a poor attitude it is because their behaviour goes against social norms Social norms are accepted through people approving the behaviours or disapproving of them In turn this leads social acceptance or rejection
Attitude Components Attitudes are made up of three components called the TRIADIC MODEL Cognitive component – What we know and believe about the attitude object. E.g I understand and know training will help me get better and fitter Affective Components – What we feel about the attitude object E.g I like the feeling of being fitter and stronger for my matches Behavioural Components – How we respond or intend to respond to the attitude object. E.g Work harder in training, plan extra sessions etc... In pairs, come up with a full sporting example that includes all three components of the triadic model of attitudes
How attitudes are formed? How have you formed your attitudes and prejudices? Attitudes are formed by experience and learning Peer Groups Conditioning Socialisation and Social Learning Familiarity Make notes from page 159 on each of the of 4 factors that influence attitudes, give a good sporting example
Forming a Good Attitude Why should we try to adopt or from good attitudes? A good attitude is a good predictor of behaviour Is beneficial to the individual as leads to preferred to behaviours such as sportsmanship or dedication Allow individuals to be accepted in small groups, in society and feel valued because of preferred norms of attitude Also known as Socialisation, learning values, norms and culture of that particular society
Measuring Attitude Observations There are two main ways is which psychologist to determine the strength of an individuals attitude, they are: Observations Psychologists observe a performer, making notes of signs of and attitude They look positive and negative responses Could come in the from of: Over arousal Changes in body language - slumped posture, poor eye contact Changes in physiological responses Very hard to observe and can only give a general indication of an individuals attitude
Measuring Attitudes Questionnaires Most common method and very easy to administer Performer is asked a question about an attitude object and asked to say how they feel in relation to a scale (1 being hate it - 10 being really enjoy it) Other methods involve asking performers to describe their thoughts and feelings towards the attitude object Results are then analysed and an indication of a performers attitude is given
Problems As with any questionnaire or scale there are always problems: Performer may give the answer that makes them look the best E.g lie!! Performer may give the answer they think the questionnaire is looking for Not all performers will understand the questions given or the scale used Scales may be inaccurate The way questions are phrased may change a performers attitude Most attitude questionnaires are not sport specific, how can we interpret the results properly Experience of the interpreter will determine the results
Changing an Attitude Persuasive communication Cognitive Dissonance There is a general trend that certain types of attitude are important for an athlete to succeed, especially at a high level. If these attitudes are not present then they may need to be changed. There are two main ways: Persuasive communication Cognitive Dissonance
Persuasive Communication The person attempting the change: E.g, Coach, teacher The Persuader The Message The Receiver The person whose attitude the persuader is attempting to change: E.g, Player. pupil The quality of the message the persuader is giving
The Persuader Important factors to consider when being a Persuader: Status – If a person has higher status than the receiver (e.g coach) they are more like to persuade Popularity – Role models or popular members of the team will make effective Credibility – Linked to status, is the persuader trustworthy and given good advice in the past. Does the persuader have your best interests at heart? Social or Cultural Background
The Message The message must be: Accurate – is what the persuader saying obviously correct?!? Stated with confidence and enthusiasm (don’t over do it) Clarity of the message – is the message well constructed and logical Factual and logical - appealing to the receivers intellect Emotional - appealing to the receivers feelings of loyalty, duty and responsibility
The Receiver Is the Receiver: Ready for the message – can they understand the argument in terms of emotional, intellectual or educational development Open to persuasion – how strong are there current attitudes held? Motivated to change – are they open to the possibility of persuasion and a change. What could happen if you push someone too hard?? This theory is very much common sense, it can fail if a receiver has to strong a belief in their attitude and is open to change
Cognitive Dissonance Dissonance = Lack of Consistency A theory of changing attitudes Individuals like to have consistent thoughts, feelings and behaviours If they do something against these attitudes they feel dissonance Closely linked to the triadic model Copy down example from the book p.164 and then we will discuss
Evaluation Cognitive dissonance is regarded as too simple and does not take into account individuals personality traits, motivations and consistency needs They are both useful in understanding why we have negative attitudes Helps you consider factors that need to be considered when altering and attitude They both give you a range of strategies to help alter attitudes Attitudes can not be changed over night!!!! Not always going to be successful