Carbon footprint By. Sarah Case
What is a Carbon Footprint?: A measurement of the effect of a project on the climate in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide generated by the combustion of fossil fuels.
Carbon Emissions: Carbon emission occurs when carbon is released into our atmosphere. Carbon can be released through many substances. Mostly fossil fuels; such as oil, gas, and coal. These fossil fuels are burned by vehicles and planes. The manufacturing processes of many consumer supplies and by the heating, cooling, and electricity for your home.
Statistics showing co2 emissions in the US:
Carbon Footprint Calculator: While we move about our daily lives (commuting, sheltering our families, and eating). Each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change (global warming). There are many things each of us, as individuals, can do to reduce our carbon emissions. The choices we make in our homes, our travel, the food we eat, and what we buy and throw away all influence our carbon footprint and can help guarantee a steady climate for future generations.
Things you can do to help!: Ride your bike! Recycle! Turn off lights! Eat healthy! GO GREEN!
Bibliography: hange/calculator/ footprint-definition otprint.jpg