So Who are we? 2. What have we done? 3. What can we share?
So where are all these FSM kids then?
schools ‘Poverty Proofed’ as part of a pilot – 1 done completely by Children North East 3 x Primary 1 x Secondary 1 x Infant – incl nursery (age 3) 1 x Junior Conference Training for team of ‘Poverty Proofers’ Roll out across the LA Pilot schools followed up Plans for Sixth form colleges / Early Years
Impact – has it worked? Increased awareness / focus / importance of poverty issues across schools + the LA 15 schools interested in a further 6 since the conference There are 78 schools in N. Lincs: 13 sec; 5 junior; 6 infant; 52 primary; 2 special 18 Poverty Proofers recruited Governor involvement and interest high Schools listening to parents – follow up Best advocates = the pilot schools All had bespoke action plans FOOD, CHARITY DAYS, CURRICULUM
FOOD Flexibility of school meals (quantity, menus, ingredients) clarified with schools’ catering. Kitchen staff no longer highlight FSM children’s names in pink highlighter as they receive their dinner. Packed lunches and hot dinner children can sit together. FSM pupils can have a ‘grab bag’ if they don’t want hot food. Hot dinners allowed to sit outside on hot days at picnic benches; packed lunches can’t sit on field. Any move to packed lunch queried. Set up 50p breakfast clubs. One weekly token for fruit at play time. Reassess how things are sold in school, such as hot dogs at break. Reassessing advertising for UIFSM take up. Allow secondary school pupils to use FSM money to buy bacon butties at break.
CHARITY DAYS Number of charity days per year limited – children to vote which. Non-uniform is not the event; pupils to do something to ‘earn’ the sponsorship. School to allocate prizes for fund raising so the most amount raised doesn’t always win. Dressing up clothes provided for all pupils for all events, not just KS1. More open-ended costumes for World Book Day. For example, all wearing silly socks to represent the books ‘Socks’ by Nick Sharratt and Elizabeth Lindsay or ‘Mr. Croc's Silly Sock’ by Frank Rodgers, or stripes to represent pirate books
CURRICULUM ISSUES RESOURCES Looking at how resources are provided for specific subjects, such as textiles and food tech, to ensure equal access to the top GCSE grades. Maths dept stopped allowing pupils to use smart phones as calculators. HOMEWORK Online homework reviewed so that those accessing the internet from home don’t ‘earn’ more ‘coins’ to spend on their avatar. Home learning tasks no longer ‘marked’ in the same way to avoid rewarding most parental involvement / most resources used. Resources provided for home challenges, such as dressing up a potato for World Book Day. CLASS SETTING Ability setting in Y6 reassessed as FSM skewed into lowest sets.
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