AlL AboUt PhoSpHOrus Ellen Pak, Elliot Han, Joanna Burlinson APES, Period 3
Terms Sedimentary Cycle Multivalent Allotropic Phosphate Organophosphate
Term 1 Sedimentary Cycle - Elements moving from land to water to sediment (solid fragments of material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by natural methods) -The Sedimentary Cycle is known as the Phosphorus Cycle.
Term 2 Multivalent/Polyvalent -Having a valence of 3 or higher. -found in nature in several allotropic forms
Term 3 Allotropic - The existence of two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element. -It is found in nature in several allotropic forms
Term 4 Phosphate -The existence, especially in the solid state, of two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element. -Phosphorus is commonly found in the environment as phosphates
Term 5 Organophosphate -the general name for esters of phosphoric acid.
Ecological Importance Concentrated phosphoric acids are used in fertilizers for agriculture and farm production. Plant growth and development requires phosphorus
Phosphorus is essential for early root development and hastens plant maturity. Phosphorus, mainly in the form of the ions, is an essential and important nutrient of both animals and plants.
Location Present throughout the universe Part of the atmosphere and the sun In meteorites Molten material Usually found in combination with oxygen
Biological Importance Phosphorus is a mineral that makes up 1% of a person's total body weight.
Plants and animals- phosphorus is found in complex organic compounds in the blood, muscles, and nerves (ex: adenosine triphosphate: ATP, calcium phosphate)
The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth It is important in utilizing the body's carbohydrates and fats.
Phosphorus compounds are essential in the diet; they are added to foods and animal feeds (ex: Organic phosphates, ferric phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, and dicalcium phosphate)
Phosphate in the atmosphere None are found in the gaseous state Usually in liquid form Dust particles
Phosphate in the lithosphere Phosphorus is found in sedimentary rocks and soil Main mineral found in phosphate containing rocks is called apatite Phosphorus found in insecticides, fireworks, detergents, fertilizers, and matches
Phosphorus in the Hydrosphere Used by all marine creatures Circulated through the food chain or deep in the ocean floor Some phosphate deposited in the shallows
Phosphorus in the Biosphere Phosphorus is present in almost every living organism in the biosphere Essential nutrient for animals and plants