Sue Vecsey Faculty of Medical Sciences Presentation Skills using PowerPoint
Think of some examples and discuss with your colleagues What makes a good presentation?
PlanningStructuringDraftingDesigningRefiningPractisingDelivering Elements of a Presentation
Planning a Presentation Helps you to consider your: Audience Topic Method
Structuring your Presentation All presentations need: Introduction. Detail. Conclusion. 20% of talk time. Use approximately 1 slide per minute.
Drafting and Designing 5-9 bullets Font Colour Images Transitions and animations
Refining Enough slides? Illustrated concepts?
Practising is important! Check timing. Obtain feedback. Refine your presentation. Gain confidence and familiarity. Practise your presentation technique. Remove unnecessary information. Check accuracy, spelling, technique, and technology!
Deliver your Presentation Smile, be enthusiastic, be yourself. Speak clearly, slowly and loudly. Speak to the audience, not your notes! Use your arms to emphasise a point. Use your slides as a cue or prompt, not as your script. Know your presentation. Be confident, entertaining. Be silent.
Conclusion Plan and Structure (on paper). Draft slides before designing. Refine, using images, animations and transitions carefully. Practise in front of a friendly audience. Deliver your presentation with confidence.
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