2 P RESENTATION S KILLS : O BJECTIVES Presentation Skills 1.Understand how to effectively prepare, design and deliver presentations suitable for a variety of audiences 2.Provide explanation to others with no prior knowledge on the Food Security Cluster
Why is this subject covered? How does this relate to my day to day tasks? 3 P RESENTATION S KILLS : R ELEVANCE Presentation Skills
C ONFUCIUS … I hear, I forget, I see, I remember I do, I understand 4
P RESENTATION S KILLS - P REPARE 5Presentation Skills Define Message & Outcomes Consider audience & interests Consider big picture, situation, Consider individual versus group presentation Consider media, timing
P RESENTATION S KILLS : D ESIGN Content Structure Layout 6
P RESENTATION S KILLS : D ELIVER Personal Preparation Body Language Respect Empathy Feedback 7
S O, L ET ’ S T RY O UR P RESENTATION S KILLS A N E XERCISE 8 In groups design 5-minute presentation Designated topics: 1.Humanitarian Reform & Cluster Approach – to a group of humanitarian actors 2.Food Security Cluster – to new Cluster Members 3.Food Security Cluster – to National Authorities Other participants ‘play’ the audience Presentation Skills
IFC C3P Annual Retreat Hong Kong 2011 The Day in Review