Soteriology sōtēr= saviour logos= knowledge, study Engaging with the Cross
Soteriology Engaging with the Cross
Soteriology Engaging with the Cross Why did Jesus die? You gave different answers! So does the New Testament!
Some key pictures of what happened at the Cross Romans 3 v21-26 Romans 5 v1-11
1.OLD TESTAMENT SACRIFICES a)How was sacrifice seen? Common! But for Israel, special! Lev 17 v11 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
1.OLD TESTAMENT SACRIFICES b)What did sacrifice need? A sinner to bring the sacrifice Leviticus 1 v1-5 A life to be the sacrifice A priest to offer the sacrifice I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
2.NEW TESTAMENT REFLECTIONS a)Why was sacrifice given? Hebrews 10 v1-4 Not to deal with sin… … but to remind of sin b)So what did sacrifice accomplish? Absolutely nothing! c)Then what was the point? I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
2.NEW TESTAMENT REFLECTIONS a)Why was sacrifice given? Hebrews 10 v1-4 Not to deal with sin… … but to remind of sin b)So what did sacrifice accomplish? Absolutely nothing! c)Then what was the point? They were shadows I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS a)Jesus: The Last Supper Matthew 26 v26-30 Jesus saw that his death would be – Atoning Covenantal Substitutionary Eschatological Redemptive I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS b)John’s teaching c)Peter’s teaching I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching Christ’s death was – The fulfilment of all the Old Testament sacrifices A “propitiation’” for our sins - Romans 3 v25 ‘a sacrifice of atonement’ (NIV) a sacrifice that turns away God’s wrath/anger God’s anger is not reactive but responsive I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching A picture the OT prophets used – “the cup of God’s wrath” Job 21v20 Psalms 60v3, 75v8 Isaiah 51v17-23, 63v6 Jeremiah 25v15-28; 49 v12 Lamentations 4v21-22 Ezekiel 23 v31-34 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching But now look what the New Testament says! Matthew 26 v36-42 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS e)Hebrews Jesus as the sinner Jesus as the sacrifice Jesus as the priest I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS This was the sacrifice that worked! For everyone! Rom 3v24; Eph 2 v13 For everything!1Cor 15v9-10 For free!Rom 3 v24; 6v23 For ever!Rom 5 v9 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’
I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back Engaging with the Cross
1.OLD TESTAMENT BACKGROUND History: A redeemed people Law: Reminders of redemption Prophets: Future redemption The one thing you couldn’t redeem was another’s life Ps 47 v7-9 2.GREEK BACKGROUND Redeeming loans Redeeming prisoners of war Redeeming slaves
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 3.JESUS’ USE OF THE CONCEPT A ransom for manyMatt 20 v20-28 His cry from the cross John 19 v30‘tetelestai’ ALL YOUR SIN IS PAID FOR!
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT a)The word Paul uses apolutrosis lutron b)Why did we need redeeming? Because we were in slavery to ‘the 3 laws of God’s moral universe’ A moral law is something that affects you whether you believe in it or not
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT The law of sin Rom 3 v23 The law of death Rom 6 v23 The law of judgment Rom 5 v16
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT What was the redemption price paid? To whom was the ransom paid? That ransom stretches into the past, present and future!
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT But we’re not just freed from, we’re also freed into – The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8 v2)
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT Freed from… Freed into… Sin, death, judgment Kingdom of darkness A people of wickedness Bondage to the Law New life Rom 8 v1-2 Kingdom of light Col 1 v13 A people of goodness Titus 2 v11-14 Freedom in the Spirit Gal 3 v13-14
II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT We don’t have to live in slavery to anything!
I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back III. Justification - put right Engaging with the Cross
III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’ 1.BACKGROUND a)Two fundamental Old Testament beliefs The righteous GodGen 3; 18 v23-25; Isa 3 v13-15 The righteous personGen 15 v5-6 b)A change in thinking in the inter-testamental period A growing belief that you could earn credit Reflected in Luke 18 v9-14
III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’ 2.WHAT PAUL EMPHASIZED God justifies us – a)While we were still un-godly! Rom 5 v6-8 b)And he does this on the basis of faith alone c)And this is God’s final word on the matter! OT & NT: there will be a final judgment But for Christians, the End-time/eschatological judgment has already taken place! Rom 5 v1-2, 9 Rom 8 v1
Justification: The common Christian view The End “NOT GUILTY!”
Justification: Paul’s teaching The End NOT GUILTY!
III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’ There is a judgment that Christians still have to face; but it is NOT to do with their DESTINY, but with their REWARDS 2 Corinthians 5 v6-10 1 Cor 3 v101-5
I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back III. Justification - put right IV. Reconciliation - made friends Engaging with the Cross
IV. RECONCILIATION – ‘MADE FRIENDS’ 1.Why do we need reconciling? 2.Who is it that needs reconciling?
GODMAN MAN A curtain torn A wall broken The whole of creation !
Made clean Bought back Put right Made friends Engaging with the Cross