Welcome to CP2 Class #4! Did everyone do the homework assignment? Love, Teach, Heal one, holy, catholic, apostolic
What is the Paschal Mystery?
Who is redeemed by Jesus’ death and resurrection?
How many earthly lives does God give us?
What is redemptive work?
How does Mary cooperate in the divine plan of salvation?
How is Sacred Scripture to be Read?
Name & Describe the Two Senses of Scripture
What does “divine revelation” mean?
What is the relationship between Tradition and Sacred Scripture?
To discover the Scripture writer’s intention, what must the reader consider?
Describe the origin of the Church
Who is the Holy Spirit?
In the Acts of the Apostles, what major figure helped to establish the Church?
What is the importance of the Old Testament for Christians?
What importance does the New Testament have for Christians?
Why are letters (epistles) incorporated into Sacred Scripture?
What is the Acts of the Apostles about, and why is it included in Sacred Scripture?
Are the benefits of the sacraments for individuals or for the whole Church?