Shelter houses in Austria 30 shelters for women survivors of violence & their children 1 st shelter 1978 in Vienna Independent NGOs Gender specific approach (women helping women) Accessible 24/7 Services free of charge
Shelter House Mistelbach NGO „Kolping Österreich“ Founded in 1991 Safe place and support for women affected by domestic violence & their children
Conditions Legal age (18 years) Ability to live mainly independently (housework, child-care) No acute mental illness No drug abuse
Offers Counselling of victims of domestic violence and their relatives & friends Protection & crisis support Safe accomodation up to 1 year On-going psychosocial and legal counselling Attendance
Facilities & Security 6 bedrooms with bathrooms 1 kitchen, 1 living room, laundry, playing room, garden Secret address No visitors No information to outsiders Security door Observation camera Contact police
The Staff „Main Team“: 2 social workers, 2 psychologists – Women helping women! Worker responsible for food supply Maintenance man Cleaning lady 4 female volunteers for night-shifts
The assistance Children‘s psychologist Supervision of the women Support of the women‘s autonomy & empowerment Prepare life after shelter Housing & money issues
Financing Mainly financed by the federal states‘s government („Lower Austria“) Application for additional funds Private donations
Networking AMS (job centre) Child welfare centre Social assistance office Police station Court for family affairs Immigration authority Centre for child-protection („Die Möwe“) Therapy-centre for children Helpdesk for women
Public Relation & Campaigns Homepage Leaflets (german, czech, turkish) Information-paper Lectures in schools Local newspaper Campaigns in November/December over the period of „16 days of activism against gender violence“ and on 8th of March (international women‘s day)
Statistics 2011 How often have the victims already needed the protection of a shelter?
Statistics 2011 Marital status
Statistics 2011 Age of the women
Statistics 2011 Nationality of the women
Statistics 2011 Nationality of the victim in relation to the nationality of the violent person
Statistics 2011 Who were the violent persons?
Statistics 2011 Women with/without children in the shelter
Statistics 2011 How long did the women stay in the shelter?
Statistics 2011 Where did the women go after their stay in the shelter?