Monday, August 31 st 2011 What is Mrs. Puccinelli’s arch enemy?
Tuesday, August 30 th What room is the band teacher in?
Wednesday, August 31 st What things do we learn about in Skills for Adolescents?
Journal Prompt In 2 nd half of your journal: In 2 nd half of your journal: – Write about two things that you like about junior high – Write about two things that you do not like about junior high
Thursday Sept. 1 st 2011 Write this quote down: Write this quote down: – This above all: to yourself be true…You cannot then be false to any man.
Friday, Sept. 2 nd 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is our school motto for this year? What is our school motto for this year?
Fishing Kit Sextant (for navigation) Shark Repellent Gas Can Water Jug Floatation Seat Cushion Chocolate Shaving Mirror US Army Rations (food) Rum Pacific Ocean Maps Mosquito Net Transistor Radio Plastic Nylon Rope
Tuesday, Sept. 6 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What does consensus mean? What does consensus mean? What does compromise mean? What does compromise mean?
Wednesday, Sept. 7 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is absolute location? What is absolute location?
Thursday, Sept. 8 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What are physical characteristics of a place? What are physical characteristics of a place? What are human characteristics of a place? What are human characteristics of a place?
Friday, September 9 th How do you get missed work when you miss a day in Mrs. P’s class?
BeaverCarbonDavisMorganDaggitMillardDuchesneBeaverCarbonDavisMorganDaggitMillardDuchesne IronUintahRichSummitGarfieldCachePiuteKaneIronUintahRichSummitGarfieldCachePiuteKane WasatchWashingtonUtahWeberSanpete San Juan Salt Lake WasatchWashingtonUtahWeberSanpete San Juan Salt Lake WayneJuab Box Elder GrandTooeleSevierEmeryPriceTrainWayneJuab GrandTooeleSevierEmeryPriceTrain
Monday, Sept. 12 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER 1.What is Mrs. P’s late policy?
Tuesday, Sept. 13 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER 1.What county is Roy Junior in?
Wednesday, Sept. 14 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER 1.What is the name of the mountains right outside our window?
Thursday, Sept. 15 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER 1.How many National Parks does Utah have?
Monday, Sept. 19 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER 1.Which national park was the first to be created?
Tuesday, Sept. 20 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is the difference between climate and weather? What is the difference between climate and weather? What is relative location? What is relative location?
Fringed Sagebrush Milk Vetch Milk Vetch Steppe Sagebrush Milk Vetch Sweet Vernal Tumbleweed Desert Juniper Desert Salt grass Maidenhair Fern Sego Lily Highlands Alpine Willow Limber Pine Forget-Me Nots Humid Continental Most Vegetables Some Fruits Many flowers
Wednesday, Sept. 21 st 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What climate region do we live in? What climate region do we live in? What climate region are most of the national parks in? What climate region are most of the national parks in?
Tactfulness Definition: A good sense of what to say or do in order to keep good relationships with others
Tactfulness Politeness is the art of choosing among one's thoughts
Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment Tactfulness
Thursday, Sept. 22 nd 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What does Tactful mean? What does Tactful mean? What are natural resources? What are natural resources?
Friday, Sept. 23 rd 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is the difference between renewable and non- renewable resources? What is the difference between renewable and non- renewable resources?
Monday, Sept. 26 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Name 4 of Utah’s natural resources. Name 4 of Utah’s natural resources.
Tuesday, Sept. 27 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Name the three regions of Utah Name the three regions of Utah What important natural resource comes from the Great Salt Lake? What important natural resource comes from the Great Salt Lake?
Wednesday, Sept. 28 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What scientific event created Utah’s deserts? What scientific event created Utah’s deserts?
LISTEN UP! Mrs. P is still sick and has almost lost her voice! I need to save what little is left for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Are you ready to READ my instructions today?
LISTEN UP! In order to get full points on your current event article, you must share your article once a quarter. That means share today or share next month. Decide what you’d like to do….
LISTEN UP! When you are selected to share… – Go to the front – You may sit in my chair or stand behind the desk – Tell us what your current event was about (DO NOT READ THE ARTICLE) – Tell us how you think it impacts you/our community – Ask your classmates for comments/questions – Call on RAISED hands – Each person should take no more than 5 minutes!
Turn your yellow sheets in! If you did not go today expect to go next month!
Thursday, Sept. 29 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is a plateau? What is a plateau?
Monday, Oct. 3 rd 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What does Prehistoric mean? What does Prehistoric mean? What region (not climate) do we live in? What region (not climate) do we live in?
Tuesday, Oct. 4 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What does a Paleontologist study? What does a Paleontologist study? What era did the dinosaurs live in? What era did the dinosaurs live in?
Wednesday Oct. 5 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What era had the Ice Ages? What era had the Ice Ages? What is the highest point in Utah? What is the highest point in Utah?
Thursday Oct. 6 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Who was the scientist who discovered Utah’s dinosaurs? Who was the scientist who discovered Utah’s dinosaurs? What was the first dinosaur discovered in Utah? What was the first dinosaur discovered in Utah?
Friday Oct. 7 th 2011 Remember: Write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Name two dinosaurs that roamed Utah. Name two dinosaurs that roamed Utah. What is the name of the rock layers where most Utah dinosaurs were found? What is the name of the rock layers where most Utah dinosaurs were found?