MODULE 3. Price Incentives and Disincentives SESSION 3. Data Management and Documentation
Share a common framework for data gathering, analysis and storage Provide a consistent background documentation for each data included Module objectives:
Basic Excel workbook “TEMPLATE FINAL TRIS.XLSX”TEMPLATE FINAL TRIS.XLSX Introduce as many sheets as products in the list Cells highlighted in yellow need to be filled in Set local currency and reference currency for units Price in International currency (i.e. EUR/TON, USD/TON) in cell C6 Exchange rate (i.e. KSH/USD) in cell C7 Price In local currency (i.e. KSH/TON) in cell C8 Select type of product (import / export) in cell G4 Sets note for benchmark price Sets calculations for access costs Data storage
Introduce data for concepts and relevant years Introduce production volumes in rows “58” for calculating total incentive or disincentive for product The data introduced then feeds into the built-in formulae as explained in module 2 In particular: Defining the product as export or import Including data for the “shadow concepts”
In each country data availability guides decisions on how to treat the data Ideally this documentation should allow to recalculate data if approaches are not consistent across countries and/or commodities For each data point fill in the document “Data_backup_information.doc”Data_backup_information.doc If there is no data available for a specific concept the document should document the closest data available and potential paths to gather that data. This document should be the backbone of the data gathering exercise and allow other users to: check consistency of decisions made across countries and commodities replicate the analysis in subsequent years Data Documentation
Thank you!