BASQUE MUSIC SCHOOLS 2 nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Music Schools: A Growing Inversion Bilbao, 6 th, 7 th 8 th April 2006 Program
THE SOCIAL FUNCTION OF MUSIC SCHOOLS. 1 st Day: Thursday 6 th April 9,30 a.m.: Welcoming reception. Hand out of materials 10,00 a.m.: Official inauguration 10,30 a.m.: Caffe break. 11,00 a.m.-12,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: The social purpose of Music Schools. 12,30p.m.-2,00p.m.: Round Table. The Mission and View of Music Schools from the point of view of the Administration. As the same time: 1,001 reasons why Music Schools should exist (a space with computer facilities will be installed to give “your reason”, and that way gather everyone´s opinion)
THE SOCIAL FUNCTION OF MUSIC SCHOOLS. 1 st Day: Thursday 6 th April 4,00 p.m.-5,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: Music Education in Europe. Organizing Structure and Model of Management. 4,00 p.m.-5,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP ONE: African percussion workshop: its aplication in the classroom 5,30 p.m.: Caffe break. 6,00 p.m.-7,30 p.m.: Communication. 6,00 p.m.-7,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP 2: “No words”.
PEDAGOGY AND MANAGEMENT IN MUSIC SCHOOLS.. 2 nd Day: Friday 7 th April 9,30-11,00 a.m.: Plenary Session: New offers. Diverse tendencies; new technologies. 11,00 a.m.: Caffe break. 11,00 a.m.-12,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: Management and coaching of Music Schools 12,30 -2,00 p.m.: Round Table. The relationship between popular music and new tendencies. 12,30-2,00 p.m.: WORKSHOP 3: New applications by means of computers. 12,30-2,00 p.m.: WORKSHOP 4: Basic techniques in order to efficiently organise time.
PEDAGOGY AND MANAGEMENT IN MUSIC SCHOOLS.. 2 nd Day: Friday 7 th April 4,00-5,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: New demands – New offers Music for the cinema and television; Music castings 4,00-5,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: Music Schools´ Marketing. 5,30 p.m.: Caffe break. 6,00-7,30 p.m.: Communication. 6,00-7,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP 5: Workshop on jazz improvisation. 6,00-7,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP 6: Public Speaking techniques..
MUSIC AND MEDICINE 3 rd Day: Saturday 8 th April 9,30-11,00 a.m.: Plenary Session: Skeleton-muscle diseases in instrumental music. Mouthpiece problems: common complaints. 11,00 a.m.: Caffe break. 11,00 a.m.-12,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: The importance of body awaresness.. 12,30 -2,00 p.m.: Round Table: The most valuable instrument: The human body..
MUSIC AND MEDICINE 3 rd Day: Saturday 8 th April 4,00-5,30 p.m.: Plenary Session: The importance of the correct use of the voice since childhood. Prevention of future pathologies. 5,30 p.m.: Caffe break. 6,00-7,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP 7: Yoga therapy 6,00-7,30 p.m.: WORKSHOP 8: Body expression. 8,00 p.m.: Clossing Ceremony. Coctail and dinner
BASQUE MUSIC SCHOOLS 2 nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Music Schools: A Growing Inversion Bilbao, 6 th, 7 th 8 th April 2006 OTHER CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES: CULTURAL AGENDA: - There will be a wide variety of concerts offered every day - Cultural trips will also be organized. STANDS AREA: - An area for stands where the lastest products in the market will be exhibited will be placed in the lounge of the Conference Hall. INFORMAL TALKS: - Between 3.30 and 4.00 p.m. There will be a place where the participants can exchange views and talk.