Compulsory Definition: Required (pg.444) Example: Governor Davis and the legislature set up a system of state controlled free public schools and compulsory attendance for both African-American and white children.
Naturalization Definition: The process of becoming a new citizen (pg. 753) Example: For anyone who is not a citizen by birth, the path to citizen is called naturalization.
Oath of Allegiance Definition: oath that must be taken by all individuals gaining citizenship through naturalization (pg.754) Example: Once someone meets all the requirements, he or she takes an Oath of Allegiance to the United States in a formal ceremony.
Republicanism Definition: principle of government in which the people elect representatives to make government decisions (pg. 174)
Resident Alien Definition: a person from another country who has a long-term permit (visa) to stay and work in the United States (p. 754)
Special Interest Group Definition: a group of people seeking to advance their views on a public issue (pg. 758) Example: Some special interest groups promote the interests of business, such as oil or farming.
Undocumented Alien Defintion: a person from another country who does not have proper documentation (pg. 754)
Voter Turnout Defintion: the share of possible voters who actually vote (pg. 756) Example: University of Texas Austin released a study that found that Texas ranked last in voter turnout among the 50 states.