-Sit with your same groups in the same spots as the past two workshops. (Groups are on back wall.) -Take out your rhetorical devices packet for Act III. ‘ -If you finished last week’s reading and recorded device posts into your graphic organizer: -Work with one or two others around you to share the devices that you found. -If you did not read and record device posts: -finish reading -scan through pages (last week’s hw.) -look for examples of rhetorical devices that you can copy into your Act III packet.
English Binder Maintenance Passed Back Now -“Block Party” Questions & TDA Writing -Summer Reading Packets Binder Flap or any section, then leave home -All Vocab Quizzes Get correct answers from peers, then place in Vocab -All Vocab Charts Vocab -Our Town Act I Study Questions Literature
prompt will involve theme development within the play – Your ideas from the first two paragraphs may come in handy, though you can address different devices and themes in this response. needs to be written entirely in class – This includes the outline included within your Act III packet. – We need you to get practice doing on-demand, in-class writing in preparation for the PSSAs and future tests. Format / Organization – should include multiple paragraphs (4-5 paragraphs; move beyond one-paragraph writing) Refer to outline in Act III packet – Consider body paragraph organization: by rhetorical device by act in the play by theme Preparation Now / Tonight – You can use any materials except a prewritten outline and a prewritten response – So, go back into your packets and posts, and more fully write out analysis points for strong devices / themes. – Create a notes page with the strongest device examples and themes listed or in a brainstorming web. Notes, Tips, Suggestions: Our Town Culminating T.D.A. Response
Agenda Books Due Tomorrow, 11/5: -Our Town, Act III Study Questions -Prepare for culminating Our Town T.D.A. by: -reviewing your packets and book for devices that develop theme. -considering which devices seem to best develop theme -considering which theme seems most developed throughout the play.