Mr. White
The P: drive is a network drive to which you can connect to access and submit files Using the P: drive, you can: ◦ Submit work to your teacher ◦ Get files from your teacher ◦ Share files with other students This presentation will explain how you can do all of the following things
Teachers and students can both use the P: drive, but differently ◦ Teachers have full access, and can access files, modify them, delete them, create them, etc. ◦ Students have limited access, and cannot delete or modify files already on the P: drive Students can access the files Students can create new files
So, for students, the P: drive is like a refrigerator ◦ We can put stuff in it, and other people can get it ◦ Other people can put stuff in it, and we can get it However… ◦ We don’t put anything in the fridge unless it’s ready to go in ◦ When we want to work with something from the fridge, we take it out of the fridge first ◦ When we put something back in the fridge, we make sure we’ve closed it so that it doesn’t go bad
To submit work to a teacher, use the “Classwork Drop” folder. Remember, once you submit a file onto the P: drive, you cannot modify or delete it – only a teacher can do that The drop box works like a post office – once you drop the letter into the box, you can’t get it back Make sure that your file is completely finished when you submit it
1. Locate the file that you want to submit. 2. Make sure you have saved the file with all the changes that you made. 3. Make sure you have named the file properly according to your teacher’s format. 4. Select the file using the mouse. 5. Cut or Copy the file by right-clicking and selecting “Cut” or “Copy.” 6. Find the appropriate folder for submitting the file 7. Paste the file by right-clicking in the folder and selecting “Paste.” 8. You may move the file other ways, like clicking and dragging the file into the folder, or using keyboard shortcuts to cut or copy the file.
I want you to… ◦ Create a document using the following format: Lastname-firstname; Using the P Drive; My File; ◦ Put that document in the P: Drive folder: P:\White, David Jr\Classwork Drop\P Drive Practice\present class period
Teachers can put files on the P: drive for you to use Teachers will use their “Class Files” folder to allow you to access files To work with one of these files, you must take the file off of the P: drive, save it to another drive (like your H: drive), work with it there, then re- submit it using the proper format You should NOT open the file directly from the P: drive and work with it there – it will not work correctly
Locate the document that you want to use. Take the document off of the P: drive by doing any of the following: ◦ Copying and pasting it to your H: drive folder. ◦ Clicking and dragging the file to your H: drive folder. Open the document from your H: drive. Work with and change the document however you like. Save the file when you are done, naming the file properly according to your teacher’s format. Submit the file using the directions “To Submit Work and Assignments.”
I want you to… ◦ Open the document on the P: drive: P:\White, David Jr\Class Files\My Favorite President ◦ Type in the name of your favorite president, save the file, and submit it to Mr. White in this folder: P:\White, David Jr\Classwork Drop\P Drive Practice\present class period ◦ Use the proper naming format: Last name-first name; Name of the project; Name of the individual assignment; Date it was saved ◦ So, it’ll be… Lastname-firstname; Using the P Drive; My Favorite President;
You can use the P: drive to share files with other students, as well, for group projects, etc. The “Student Sharing” folder is a place for students to share files If you create work for your group, remember to save it using the proper format, in the appropriate folder, and make sure you’ve made all the changes you want to If you are using work from others in the group, remember to save the file somewhere not on the P: drive, and work with it there, then re-save the file under a new name
1. Once you are finished creating your part of the assignment, follow the directions, “To Submit Work and Assignments” and put the document in your teacher’s “Student Sharing” folder. 2. To combine files, make sure you take it off the P: drive using the directions, “To Use Documents from the P: Drive.” 3. With the file off the P: drive, make any changes you like to the document by adding, removing, or combining it with work you’ve created. 4. Save the file to your H: drive using a new, unique file name, and following the format that your teacher has provided. 5. Copy and paste that file to the P: drive in the appropriate folder (Shared Student Work, if other students need to work with it, or the Work Drop-box Folder, if you’re all finished).
So, let’s review how the P: drive is like a refrigerator. ◦ We don’t put anything in the fridge unless it’s ready to go in Submit files in the “Classwork Drop” folder only when you’re absolutely finished ◦ When we want to work with something from the fridge, we take it out of the fridge first When you get a file from a classmate or a teacher, you save it to your H: drive before you work with it ◦ When we put something back in the fridge, we make sure we’ve closed it so that it doesn’t go bad When you put a file you’ve worked with back onto the P: drive, make sure it’s saved, correctly named, and the name isn’t the same as a file that’s already there