YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES Our kitchen works as a team, between your own classmates and the four other classes that use it every day. You will be assigned a lab duty every time we participate in a lab The expectation is that you will complete your assigned duty and if other duties are not completed because others are absent you take initiative to ensure all duties are done. You are not to leave the kitchen without permission from your teacher. You check in with the duty supervisor to have it checked you completed your duty. If you have time to lean you have time to clean. We are a licensed establishment and serve food not only to ourselves but to others so we must meet food safety codes.
LIST OF LAB DUTIES Dishwasher (2) Dish Dryer (2-4) Dish Put a way (2-4) Sweep Floor (1) Wipe down counters (1) Wipe out microwave and clean mixers (1) Wipe down pantry, freezers, fridge and cooler (1) Laundry (1-2) Clean sinks (1-2) Refill paper towel (1) Duty Supervisor and temperature logs (1)
DISH WASHER Two people will always be on dishes. Our kitchen has two sinks and a sanitizer. Dishes should all be placed on the side counter until the dishwashers are ready to start washing dishes. KNIVES NEVER GO IN THE SINK unless the dishwasher is washing it. You do not just take one dish from the pile and wash it and then another. Once dishes have been washed they get placed into the second sink to have the soap rinsed off. Then they are taken out by the second person and placed in a tray to be put in the sanitizer. Once the tray is full it is placed in the sanitizer. Let it run its cycle then pass the tray to the dish dryers
DISH DRYER There will be 2 to 4 people drying dishes each lab. You need to place a large towel on the counter to help contain water from the trays. Drying dishes means just what it says, you dry dishes. Using a dish towel you will dry off the dishes and either place them on the counter or give them to person in charge of putting them away. Make sure the dishes are fully dried before moving on to another dish. Snapping towels is not acceptable behaviour in the kitchen. You will lose lab marks for any horsing around in the kitchen. If there are some dishes that cannot go through the sanitizer you will be required to quats them and set them up to air dry.
DISH PUT AWAY 2 – 4 people will be assigned to this duty for each lab. You are responsible for putting dishes away in their proper place. If you do not know where something goes ask a classmate, if they do not know as the teacher. Do not put dishes away if they are still wet. Stack dishes as they were found on the very first day so that it saves room and prevents dishes from falling on the floor.
SWEEP FLOORS One person will be responsible for sweeping the floors. You are responsible for the entire kitchen area space. This includes from where you pick up your aprons to the back of the kitchen. Do not sweep until everyone is done at their work stations to ensure a thorough job is done.
WIPE DOWN COUNTERS One person is responsible for wiping down counters. To wipe down counters you are responsible for wiping down all work spaces with quats. This is only done after each group has cleaned up their work station and cleaned the counter themselves with a damp cloth. Quats sanitizes the counter so spraying it over top of dirt is not cleaning the counter. Be sure to clean under things as well. Move them to ensure it is clean. REMEMBER: Each group must clean their own counter first, then it will be quatz by the person in charge of that duty.
WIPE OUT MICROWAVES AND CLEAN MIXERS One person is responsible for wiping out microwaves and cleaning the mixers. This is done even if we did not use them that day to ensure they are always kept clean. To wipe out microwaves get a hot damp cloth and wipe down the front of the microwaves, and the inside all sides and corners. Mixers you will wipe off with a hot damp cloth. You need to wipe down the entire mixer, top, bottom, where the attachments go, ect.
WIPE DOWN PANTRY, FREEZERS, FRIDGE AND COOLER One person will be responsible for wiping down the pantry, freezers, fridge and cooler. The pantry is the silver cabinet in the kitchen where some of our ingredients are stored. We have two freezers, a chest freezer and a stand up freezer. We have one fridge. We have one cooler which is the one with the glass door. You will take a cloth and quats the front of each including the handle and wipe down. Please wash any dirt/stains off with a hot cloth before quatsing.
LAUNDRY One to two people will be responsible for laundry. The washer and dryer are located in the room going towards the cafeteria. It is the door on the left, D-120 There are little gray dots that indicate where you should turn them on. Ensure the knob is in the right place. You will need to add soap to the washer before adding the clothes. You need to make sure you clean out the lint trap on the dryer and add a bounce sheet for each load. You will be responsible for bringing it back to the room to fold it and put it away. We have a laundry schedule posted for each period.
CLEAN SINKS 1-2 people will be responsible for cleaning the sinks. There are three sinks in the room. Two which are used for hand washing, and the big sink for washing dishes. You are responsible for cleaning all of them. This means you need to wait for all dishes to be washed and rinsed to ensure your job is done. You first rinse out the sink. Remove any debris. Then sprinkle comet over the sink and using a rag wipe sink down and rinse.
REFILL PAPER TOWEL One person is responsible for refilling the paper towel. Paper towel holders are located at each sink. The middle sink requires a key, please ask your teacher for it. If the roll is almost gone then the roll needs to be replaced. Extra paper towel can be found under the sink between the cooler and the oven.
DUTY SUPERVISOR AND TEMPERATURE LOG Each lab we will have someone who is the supervisor of the kitchen that ensures all duties are completed. Duty supervisor has the list of names of who is doing what. They ask other students to complete a duty if someone is absent. The duty supervisor is also able to help get jobs done and help pick up slack. If a student does not do their duty they report back to the teacher. They mark on the list absent, completed or incomplete (A for absent, a check mark for completed or an X for incomplete) They are also responsible for completing temperature logs. There is a temperature gun located with the timers. Use the logs attached to the fridge. They go in order as chest freezer, upright freezer, refrigerator, cooler. If one is not at the correct temperature please alert the teacher.