Stafford HSDaily Announcements Today is Friday, May 15, 2015 Stafford HS Daily Announcements Today is Friday, May 15, 2015 a “Y” Day
Prom Invitations will be handed out before and after school in front of the math office. Students must have an invitation to attend prom.
Don’t Miss the Mr. Stafford Competition The Manliest Beauty Pageant in town! $3.00 for students & $5.00 for adults This Friday in the This Friday in the Stafford Auditorium Friday, May 15 th at 7pm
Cypher Competition Do you think you can rap? Then, you are invited to Stafford’s first Cypher Competition, “Battle of the Bars ” For more info, come to the meeting, afterschool on MONDAY, May 18 TH in room S109B.
Seniors! You may still SIGN-UP for Rent-A-Senior Day which will be on Friday, May 22 nd. Register in Room S10B. Bids for the seniors already signed up begins today during lunch periods. Money is not due until Wednesday, May 20 th.
Girls Tennis Team defeated Hylton HS 9-0 yesterday. Josie Gresko, Amanda Smithson, Katelyn Dreeke, Lia Constantine, Riley Wilkerson, Ashleigh Hannah, Kayley Welch, Renee Swager, Dayna Richards and Elise Ryder all were victorious.
The Boys Tennis Team recently defeated Riverbend and Hylton. Tyler "Peanut" Phillip led the way with a masterful victory at number 3 singles, and he carried his partner, Eric Kauffman to a victory at 3 doubles, as well. Way to go, Peanut.
Scholarships Please bring any notifications you have received regarding scholarships you have been awarded to the Counseling Center. This includes all scholarship monies regardless of whether you have accepted them or not. You will be recognized for your achievements at the Scholarship Program. Any questions please see Mrs. Bryant in the Counseling Center.
Yearbooks will be Distributed on May 22. Some extra yearbooks are available on a first come, first served basis. The cost of a yearbook is now $75. Some extra yearbooks are available on a first come, first served basis. The cost of a yearbook is now $75. Make checks out to Stafford High School or bring correct change of $75. Yearbooks are no longer available online. There is a limited number of extra yearbooks. Yearbooks from 2013 and 2014 will also be available for only $25 each. Make checks out to Stafford High School or bring correct change of $75. Yearbooks are no longer available online. There is a limited number of extra yearbooks. Yearbooks from 2013 and 2014 will also be available for only $25 each.
Any students taking an AP Exam must check in to your first block before reporting to your testing site. must check in to your first block before reporting to your testing site. All students that do not check in will be marked absent. All students that do not check in will be marked absent.
ATTENTION: Classes of 2016, 2017, 2018 Interested in running for class office for the school year? There is a MANDATORY information meeting on TODAY, May 15, 2015 at 2:30 in the Senior Cafeteria. You MUST attend this meeting if you are planning to run for class office for next school year.
And if you think Prom is going to be great…. Check out After-Prom: A $500 prize for some lucky senior A $500 prize for some lucky senior A $250 prize for some lucky junior. A $250 prize for some lucky junior. A 40 inch television A 40 inch television A dorm fridge A dorm fridge A microwave A microwave A set of luggage A set of luggage Tickets to area events Tickets to area events Gift certificates Gift certificates And much more. And much more.
AFTER PROM ACTIVITIES All-in-1 Sports Arena All-in-1 Sports Arena Laser Tag Laser Tag Casino Games Casino Games Airbrush tatoo Airbrush tatoo Digital Photo Booth Digital Photo Booth A hypnotist A hypnotist A Mechanical Shark A Mechanical Shark A Money machine A Money machine A Fortune Teller A Fortune Teller And a Vertical Rush (whatever that is) And a Vertical Rush (whatever that is)
AFTER PROM FOOD Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A Beach Fries Beach Fries Snow Cones Snow Cones Cotton Candy Cotton Candy Pancake Breakfast Pancake Breakfast Subway Subway
AFTER PROM COST TICKETS All this for $20 which includes the t-shirt! OR $25 at the door After the prom, here at SHS from Midnight to 5 in the morning.
SENIORS 2015 If you need a copy of your immunization record for COLLEGE, a Job, or your Parent’s Records; you will need to request from the Nurses office before the end of the school year. There is a 24-hour processing time. The Nurse is not on duty during the summer and the immunization record is not readily available.
The following students are running for Student Council Office President: Noah Karlovich Senior Vice President: Maddie Counsell Rachel Zimmerman Rachel Zimmerman Junior Vice President: Chandler Gayle Treasurer:Mary Stuart & Taylor Guthrie Secretary: Cathy Nguyen & Justin Brown Assistant Secretary: Corey Brent Parliamentarian: Alex Bhagat Historian: Maya Moore & Hannah Olson Reporter: Sean McCosker & James Rossi