What we do Gardening Club We have a gardening club which plants, fruit and vegetables, collects leaves and makes the school look nice by planting flowers and making different types of habitats for animals and insects. They also have a compost heap. They have come in on Saturdays to clear and clean our pond and wildlife area!
What we do Fruity Thursdays Every Thursday at playtime the eco committee and some adult helpers get together and sell us fruit for 10p. This gets us healthy. We also put all the fruit leftovers in a fruit bin.
What we do Recycling In every class we have a big paper bin for recycling our paper. When it is full the eco committee takes the paper to be recycled. We also recycle yellow pages when new ones get delivered.
What we do The eco committee Every Tuesday the eco committee meet and discuss how to make the school a better place for wildlife and plants. They have also teamed up with the gardening club to help protect and clean up our school grounds.
Credits Producers Lucy & Grace Pictures They were on Google but we copied and pasted them Background Grace & Lucy