All About Maps Beth Clause
How Firefighters Use Maps
Map A drawing that shows where places are.
Cardinal Directions North, South, East, or West They tell us where to go.
Compass Rose Arrows on a map that show directions. The compass rose shows which way is north, south, east, and west.
Look at the map: N WE S The houses are north of the pond. The park is south of the store. The trees are east of the houses. The stores are north of the pond. There are two trees west of the houses. The pond is south of the stores.
Symbols Pictures that stand for things on a map.
Map Key Symbols that show you how to read a map.
Look at the map: house tree stop sign street park Find a house on the map. Find a tree on the map. Find a stop sign on the map. Find a street on the map. Find a park on the map.
Making a Map