Computer News Windows 8 Your Computer Problems One meeting Dec 12th Website &
Wifi Light Blubs Wifi Light Blubs Connect with your wireless router with blub router Each blub relays wireless to the next blub Each blub has an IP address Iphone and Android app to control Schedules in the router for on/off and diming Support for Windows XP ends in 17 th months 40% of computers are still on XP Updates will no longer be available Software & internet webpages will no work Device software (drivers) will no be created
Windows 8 Microsoft answer to Tablets Computers, Tablets and Phones Design built around touch capable devices Includes Desktop No Start button, menu or All Programs Includes Security Essentials – Windows Defender Metro Interface Works with a mouse (a challenge) Tiles/Apps that are active Launch programs for the desktop (Start button) Move 2 different size Tiles desired location Swipe to the right to see more apps
Variety of device Microsoft Surface RT Microsoft Surface RT Will not run all the desktop applications Microsoft Surface Pro Personal Computers from Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc Some with touch and others without Some with touch Computers in store – Windows 8 only Upgrade Pro $40 through end of year ($69.99) Windows 8 (Core): $99.99 (System Builder/OEM) Windows 8 Pro: $ (System Builder/OEM) Windows 8 Pro Upgrade - $69.99 Windows 8 Pro Pack (Product Key Card) - $69.99
Reason not to buy Windows 8 is not ready for Prime time Learning curve Lack of Apps Need to have touch (upgrade) Windows 7
Metro Interface Corners launch controls Swipe from left open apps (taskbar) click top app cycle through or drag down see running apps Right corner minimize apps Launch Settings, on/off (this awkward) Start screen option for All Apps Old Windows Apps can be pinned Start Drag up (right mouse) for App controls Desktop more like conventional Windows No start menu – use the App/Metro screen Apps can be pinned to taskbar
2 Different Internet Explorer Metro (IE10) or Desktop (IE9) Sign on/off Lock screen (common for touch devices) Single signon App Store – now 20,000 apps Install App & update apps Charms Bar Search Settings
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