1 NG9-1-1 Initiative Action Team Conference Call #5 October 3,
2 Agenda for Today’s Call 1.Welcome and roll call 2.Review of action items from last call (Sept 20 th ) 3.Present and discuss Coordination SWOT Analysis 4.Present and discuss Funding SWOT Analysis 5.Logistics for in person meeting 6.Timeline for completing work of IAT 7.Identify tasks and action items for upcoming weeks and next call 8.Adjourn
3 Timeline for completing work of IAT NG9-1-1 Implementation Plan presented to the Board at Jan 12 th meeting Final draft of Plan will be posted to ISP website by mid December Statewide PSAP meetings held weeks of Dec 5 th and Dec 12 th November in person meeting for members of NG9-1-1 IAT to discuss document –Meeting location will be Pittsylvania County PSAP Straw man distributed by Nov 7 th Complete all SWOT analyses by Nov 1 st. –This will mean that the SWOT analyses for PSAP operations and Confidentiality/Security will both need to be presented on the Nov 1 st call. Late October announce schedule of statewide PSAP meetings
4 Tasks/Action Items Deliverable for next call: –Report on Statewide and local infrastructure SWOT analysis –First draft of Plan’s problem statement and vision Provide summary of conference call to IAT members More information on in person meeting and statewide PSAP meetings Other tasks and action items