What is a TSP? Provides City with guidance for operating and improving a multimodal transportation system Focuses on priority projects, policies, and programs.


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Presentation transcript:

What is a TSP? Provides City with guidance for operating and improving a multimodal transportation system Focuses on priority projects, policies, and programs for the next 20 years Provides a vision for longer term projects that could be implemented, should funding become available Guides development review decisions, CIP programming, and efforts to obtain grant fund Intended to be flexible to respond to changing community needs and revenue sources over the next 20 years and will be updated approximately every 10 years 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

Goal 1. Safety Reduce transportation related fatalities and injuries for all transportation modes. Goal 2. Mobility, Access, and the Environment Improve peoples’ access to jobs, schools, health care and other regular needs in ways that improve health, reduce pollution and retain money in the local economy. Goal 3. Equity Develop transportation facilities that are accessible to all members of the community. Goal 4. Maintenance Deliver access and safety improvements cost effectively, and within available revenues West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Project Status: Started in November monthly meetings with Transportation Advisory Board (January – June) 4 meetings with Technical Advisory Committee 3 public workshops and on-line workshops 3 briefings with Planning Commission and/or City Council 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

Transportation Advisory Board Provided guidance and direction on: Goals for the transportation system – based on Comprehensive Plan Targets and evaluation criteria to prioritize projects Transportation Needs and Solutions Draft Plan and Priorities 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

Public Open Houses (in-person and on-line) #1 – Existing and Future Needs March people signed in, 112 visited on-line #2 – Potential Solutions and Priorities April people signed in, 174 visited online #3 – Draft Plan September people signed in, 86 visited on-line 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

Changes to the 2008 TSP Incorporate and reflect current Comprehensive Plan Goals Identify pedestrian and bicycle projects Incorporate Elementary School SRTS routes Incorporate performance targets and evaluation criteria to prioritize projects for all modes Remove I-205/10 th Street Interchange reconstruction project and replace with 10 th Street improvements Update roadway functional classifications and future street connectivity map Concurrent Activities (to be incorporated into the TSP at a later date): Hwy 43 Refinement Plan Arch Bridge Concept Plan transportation needs 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Comprehensive Plan and CDC Amendments Amendments proposed to implement the TSP and meet Transportation Planning Rule and Metro Regional Plan requirements Specify that commercial areas should be multi-modal Support Transportation Options Allow “green street” treatments where feasible Be proactive with access management through the development review process Develop “shared local street” designation Specify sidewalk fee-in-lieu to be dedicated to other sidewalk projects 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

Public Comments Public comments were received from a variety of sources, including: Three open houses Three virtual open houses s between citizens and City staff/consultants Phone calls between citizens and City staff/consultants Summaries of public comments obtained at the open houses are available. Staff also has records of additional comments received. Summaries were shared with the TAC and CAC Public comment resulted in projects, programs, policies, and priorities being added and modified throughout the TSP update as deemed appropriate by the PMT, TAC, and CAC West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Planning Commission HearingOctober 21, 2015

2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update Changes resulting from the Planning Commission Worksession (10/7/15) Minor organizational changes to emulate existing TSP format Identify crossings that warrant higher levels of treatment, removed basic cross-walk projects as they are maintenance projects rather than capital projects (identified needs list still documented) Removed proposed Comp Plan amendments to Goal 1 Removed proposed CDC amendments related to TDM Strategies for major employers

Transportation System Plan Elements: Goals and Evaluation Criteria (p. 11) Pedestrian Plan (p. 26) Bicycle Plan (p. 45) Transit Plan (p. 56) Motor Vehicle Plan (p. 96) Projects/Programs to maximize existing system System Management (p. 60) Travel Demand Management (p. 63) Access Management (p. 68) Local Street Connectivity (p. 76) Funding and Implementation (p. 115) 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Proposed Transportation System Cost Summary (p. 120) Project TypeHigh PriorityMedium PriorityLow PriorityTotal Proposed Transportation System Plan TSM$150,000 $75,000$375,000 TDM$750,000 $495,000$1,995,000 Land Use$185,000 Access Management$75,000 Pedestrian$12,300,000$13,095,000$1,420,000$26,815,000 Bicycle$5,790,000$4,010,000$275,000$10,075,000 Transit$485,000 Motor Vehicle$5,410,000$1,985,000$19,285,000$26,680,000 Total$24,400,000$20,660,000$21,625,000$66,685,000 Total Available Funding $20,000, West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Transportation Funding Financially Constrained Plan identifies the projects and programs the City anticipates being able to fund in the 25-year horizon. Estimated local funds for capital projects over the next 25 years Approximately $20,000,000 ($800,000/year on average ) Includes funds from gas tax, license fees, street maintenance fees, franchise fees, SDCs Excludes potential funding from state and federal grants except for Highway 43 (25% local match assumed) West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Discussion/Questions? 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Visit our portation-system-plan-update portation-system-plan-update Thank you! 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Pedestrian Plan (p. 26) Sidewalks Crosswalks Interim Improvements High PriorityMedium PriorityLow Priority $12,300,000$13,095,000$1,420, West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Bicycle Plan (p. 45) Bicycle Lanes Bicycle Crossings Interim Improvements High PriorityMedium PriorityLow Priority $5,790,000$4,010,000$275, West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Transit Plan (p. 56) Transit amenities at major transit stops Increase density adjacent to transit Increase park-and-ride capacity Feasibility analysis of local and commuter shuttles High Priority (0-10 years) Medium Priority (10-20 years) Low Priority (20-25 years) $0$485,000$ West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Motor Vehicle Plan (p. 96) Traffic Signals All way stop control Turn Lanes Medians Connections High PriorityMedium PriorityLow Priority $5,410,000$1,985,000$19,285, West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Proposed Changes in Functional Classification of Roadways (p. 101) Arterial to Collector Less ROW width required Collector to Neighborhood Route Less ROW width required Collector to Local Street Less ROW width required No bike lane required Neighborhood Route to Local Street Less ROW width required No bike lane required 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Local Street Connections (p. 76) Proposed Local Streets to be implemented by future development Proposed Pedestrian/Bicycle Connections Assumed to be constructed by development as it occurs 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Roadway Cross Sections – Arterials 60’ ROW 72’ ROW 102’ ROW 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Roadway Cross Sections – Collectors 48’ ROW 58’ ROW 72’ ROW 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Roadway Cross Sections – Neighborhood Routes 52’ ROW 56’ ROW 70’ ROW 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update

Roadway Cross Sections – Local Streets 48’ ROW16’ ROW 52’ ROW25’ ROW 56’ ROW 2015 West Linn Transportation System Plan Update