The red wolf a member of the dog family information gathered from world book student red wolf name is also Canis Rufus Wolves live in packs usually packs have about 8 members some have more than 20. A pack lives in a territory they mark this territory with their scents the dominate wolf urinates to mark the borders of the packs territory. Other wolves recognize this territory a pack does not allow others to hunt in its territory. A wolf
red wolf food sources When a member of a pack begins to hunt it lets out a howl that signals the other wolves. Wolves roam their territory looking for prey wolves will hunt at any time of the day or night. Wolves hunt and chase many more animals than they can catch wolves help strengthen other herds by killing off the weak animals these weak ones make easy targets for the wolves.
Red Wolf and human reactions Wolves seem to have a bad reputation with humans hunters think wolves wipe out most game animals and there is also folk tales that add to the wolves reputation in many old sayings the wolf is a symbol of badness and evil. Hatred and fear of wolves has led to large killings of them.
Each wolf pack has a social order called a dominance hierarchy. Every member of the pack has a certain rank in the hierarchy. High-ranking members, called dominant wolves, dominate low-ranking members, known as subordinate wolves. A dominant wolf and a subordinate wolf show their rank almost every time they meet. The dominant wolf stands erect, holds its tail aloft, and points its ears up and forward. It may show its teeth and growl. The subordinate wolf crouches, holds its tail between its legs, and turns down its ears. It may also whine.
Fur and wolf body Wolves look like German shepherds wolves have 42 teeth and grow big winter coats to protect them from the bitter cold they can also eat to 20 pounds of meat at one time. There are more than 1 endangered wolf species another is the gray wolf Canis lupus which is also endangered for some of the same reasons