And all you need to know for us to begin reading it
Gilgamesh Enkidu
King of Uruk Two-third god and one-third mortal All the best qualities of human beings Super strength Wants to learn how to live forever
Gilgamesh’s best bud Uncivilized Created by the God’s out of clay Created as a way to stop Gilgamesh’s tyrannical ways. Raised by wolves and acts like it even in civilization
Works his people to death. Uses women, married or not Kills at will
Gods send Enkidu Meant to be a rival of Gilgamesh Means to keep Gilgamesh in check First the two Fight, then become friends
Kill a Monster named Humbaba After killing it, they have a celebration At the celebration, the Goddess Ishtar, tries to make Gilgamesh her lover. Gilgamesh rejects her.
Ishtar is feeling rejected Runs to her dad, Anu (Father of all the Gods) Anu releases Bull of Heaven
BoH goes on a serious rampage Kills hundreds of people, Causes all kinds of destruction BoH finds Gilgamesh/Enkidu BoH loses.
Gods decide somebody HAS to die. Decide on Enkidu Enkidu dies.
Gilgamesh realizes he can die Remember, Gilgamesh IS part human Tries to find a way to live forever Finally, Gilgamesh’s true Hero’s Quest Begins!
Opposites Gilgamesh is the epitome of civilization Enkidu is a wild beast who lives in the wilderness Death Something Gilgamesh fears only when faced directly with it Something Gilgamesh feels he can avoid
Responsibility In the beginning, Gilgamesh has none. Watch how his actions show what a King is and what a King should be The Wrath of the Gods Obviously upsetting the gods is not a good thing Gods want respect/to be feared The Hero's Journey or Quest Gilgamesh has flaws These flaws become apparent through the journey Must prove himself to complete journey