By: Louis Tedeschi and Joseph Cammarata
The Wolf’s Way of Life Wolves live in the deciduous forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. Wolves live in packs with an Alpha wolf as their leader. Wolves are carnivores. Wolves have territories in which they live and hunt. The wolf depends on its pack to survive.
The Wolf Survival The wolf pack requires a large territory up to 1,000 square miles! In the Great Lake area there are as many as 110 wolves per 1,000 square miles! A wolf pack in North America/Canada will kill up to 8 moose or deer per year.
The Wolf Population The wolf population is declining! There are only 500 wolves in Yugoslavia because of hunting. The Ukraine wolf population has dropped from 3,000 to 2,000 because of no protection from hunting! Portugal is down to wolves due to poaching and habitat destruction! USA/Alaska has a stable population of wolves due to law enforcement and reintroduction.
A North American Wolf Pack
Reasons for Population Decline o Many countries in Northern and Eastern Europe do not have laws protecting wolves. o Habitat destruction eliminates a large part of wolf territory. o Farmers kill wolves that raid their livestock.
Protect the Wolves North America and Canada have the largest number of wolves worldwide. There are over 55,000 grey wolves. Wolf hunting restrictions are enforced. Wolves can not be killed by farmers, only as a last resort. Pesticides are controlled. Territory is preserved with National Forests.