Monsters of Halloween
Mummies Mummies are the monsters that are wrapped in toilet paper. They are real, but different than Halloween Mummies. We will have a Mummy game later!!!
Real Mummy
Zombies Zombies is a dead person who comes back to life.
Zombies I’m SOOO BEAUTIFUL! !!!
Werewolves Werewolves are a scary monster! They are humans who turn into big scary wolves when there is a full moon. ½ Man, ½ Wolf
Werewolf Let’s play together!!!
Ghouls Ghouls are similar to Zombies. Ghouls eat dead people.
Vampires Vampires look like bats. They live by eating/drinking blood.
Ghosts A Ghost is the spirit of a dead person. Some are happy and some are angry. You can see through a Ghost.
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