1 Mechanical calculations of the CDC end-plates KEK H. Yamaoka July 8 th, '09 KEK H. Yamaoka
2 Introduction Mechanical calculations of CDC end-plates was carried out. Load: Wire tension ~4000kg in total. Material: Outer cylinder CFRP End plates Aluminum, CFRP Assumption: All wire tension is supported by the outer cylinder. CDC End-plate Deformation(< 5mm), Stress? Buckling strength? ~R1090 ~2400
3 Wire configuration Given by Taniguchi-san
4 Distributions of wire tension in R-direction
5 Material properties Load conditions Constraints R: Free : Fixed Z: fixed RotR: Fixed Rot : Free RotZ: fixed Total: 3725kg Definitions for FEM No inner cylinder
6 2.9mm 2.7mm 31MPa Results - End-plates: 10mm-thick(Al), Outer-cylinder(CFRP): 5mm-thick. Deformation Stress Deformation Stress
7 Calculations of buckling strength Ref: E.H.Baker, et. al. 'STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF SHELLS' The buckling strength of the outer/inner cylinder is calculated.
8 Material: CFRP Dia. 340mm Length: 1000mm E : 110GPa : 0.3 t=0.4mmt=0.8mm Buckling strength: Inner cylinder
9 Assumptions Material: CFRP Dia. 2190mm Length: 2328mm E : 110GPa : 0.3 If t=5.0mm If t=1.0mm Wire tension : 3725kg Buckling strength: Outer cylinder
10 Calculation results in various parameters Allowable stress ( Japanese: Koukozo sekkei kijun ) This criterion was used for the mechanical design of the Belle.
11 - If deformation has to keep less than 5mm, thickness of end-plates should be thicker than 7mm(Al). Calculation at the practical configuration will be necessary. - To know the mechanical properties of CFRP is important, We have contacted to a CFRP fabricator. Configuration END Conclusion Made by Kohriki-san
13 層 R(mm) Z+(mm) Z-(mm) 数 角度 1 A A A A A A A A U U U U U U A A A A A A V V V V V V A A A A A A U U U U U U A A 層 R(mm) Z+(mm) Z-(mm) 数 角度 41 A A A A V V V V V V A A A A A A A A 張力分布 ( リスト ) Z+ 内筒なし Z+ R+(X+)