The Phonics Dance Are you ready?? EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
sh s - h sh, sh, sh
ch c - h ch, ch, ch
th t - h, th, th, th This is a thorn and that is a thistle.
wh w - h wh, wh, wh w - h, wh, wh, wh It’s a question word… WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? AND WHICH?
ph When you see ph you don’t say ph you say f--f, f, f. phone
kn When you see kn you don’t say the k you say n--n, n, n. knock
wr w - r rrrrrr Shhh, don’t wake the W! write
qu q-u kw You must be quiet when you visit the queen!
-ed When you see –ed at the end of a word you say “d, d,” or “t, t.” or when you see –ed at the end of a word you say “Ed”. jumped dusted looked
ing i-n-g ing, ing, ing swing
er e-r errrr errrr, errrr, errrr! power
ir ur But, it’s i-r errrr and u-r errrr in the middle of a word. bird turtle
ar Car, car c-a-r stick your arm in a jar of stars. a-r ar, ar, ar stars arm car
or o-r or, or, or I want more fish!