Staffing Miss Houghton- all week Mrs Hickling- Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays. Mrs Simmons – Wednesdays and Fridays
Morning Routines Reading record and book everyday Water bottle in box Book bag in tray Readers and book changes Children do morning activities in their reading groups.
Communication Always happy to discuss any problems/queries. No matter how small it may seem! Catch me after school Notes or letters in the mornings Phone or the office to make an appointment Consultation evenings
PE PE days are Thursday and Friday. No jewellery All kit to be named Flexibility- please keep PE kit in school at all times if possible.
Example of an typical week (this is flexible)
Class Charter Star Mathematician Star Writer Bernie Bear- weekend diary Cubes in a pot – collective House points
Homework Expectations Read at home at least 5 times a week. Spelling homework will be sent out on a Friday. We will work on these spellings in a variety of ways throughout the next week and revisit them during the term. Homework challenge sheet.
Reading Reading Wheel – including comprehension and listening activities. Guided reading Individual readers in the mornings Phonics – big book Early bird reading twice a week.