Progress Against 2014/15 targets for EDPRS 2 core indicators and Sector Indicators 1
Content Outline Progress against 2014/15 targets for EDPRS 2 and policy actions; Progress against 2014/15 targets Sector and policy actions. 2
Progress against 2014/15 targets for EDPRS2 Core Indicators and Policy Actions EDPRS 2 Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performance 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Availability of critical skills for service and industrial sectors Percentage of employers satisfied with university graduates 85%80.2% Employer survey on employers satisfied with university graduates The Tracer Study of Graduates from Higher Education Institutions and employers’ satisfaction of graduates’ competences was conducted and completed. Enforcemen t of career guidance support at all institutions Career guidance Centres were established in 14 Higher Learning Institutions. 3
Progress against 2014/15 targets for EDPRS2 Core Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d EDPRS 2 Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performan ce 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Improved quality and learning outcomes across primary and secondary education Pupil: qualified teacher ratio (Primary) Pupil: qualified teacher ratio (Secondary) 55:1 32:1 61:1 30:1 Policies to support the delivery of quality education revised and/or developed including TDM Policy, Curriculum and Assessment Policy, Language of Learning policy TDM Policy was completed and ready for approval. Draft policies for Language of Learning and Curriculum and Assessment are available and been presented to MINEDUC Senior Management. 4
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performance 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Increased Equitable access to 12 years basic education Transition from primary to lower secondary Transition from lower to upper secondary Primary completio n rate 87.3 % 80% 74% 72.6% 88.3% 61.3% School construction programme for pre-primary and Basic Education implemented. Parent Teacher Associations strengthened classrooms constructed of which 416 for pre-primary and for basic education PTAs members from 897 schools were trained in School management and leadership.
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/1 5 Target 2014 performance 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Increased equitable access to education for students with special educational needs within mainstream and special schools. Number of children with disabilities enrolled in school 31, School of special Needs Education and Inclusive Education expanded at the College of Education. SNE teacher training modules adopted. The school of inclusive and special needs education at UR-CoE has been established new 7 classrooms well equipped with furniture and relevant educational materials are in place. Special needs & inclusive education teacher training modules were developed and adopted by UR-CoE. The modules are used for trainees at diploma & degree levels 6
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/1 5 Target 2014 performanc e 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Increased equitable access to relevant, high-quality, demand- driven TVET programmes Number of Qualified TVET Trainers trained Percentage of employers satisfied with TVET graduates 500 Trainers trained in CBT and CBA 74% 729 Trainers trained in CBT and CBA 73.7% Validation and operationalization of the ToT implementation plan Final report has been validated by Senior Management Team of the Ministry of Education. 7
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performance 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Improved access to school readiness programmes by 2017/18, accompanied by expanded access to three-years of early learning for four-to-six- year olds. Percentage of children aged 4-6 enrolled in pre-primary education programmes (i.e NER) 17%13.3%Take stock of all support to pre-primary education and cost to families. Increase in the number of schools with pre-primary component Pre-primary costing study has been started and is in the process of validation. 64.2% of 12 YBE schools have pre-primary section of which 39.1% are attached to primary,12.8% attached to 9YBE schools and 12.3% attached to 12YBE schools. 8
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performa nce 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Strengthened performance in science, technology and innovation at all levels of education, and application of science, technology and innovation in relevant sectors of the economy Proportion of students enrolled in science and technology fields at upper secondary and tertiary education level 45% (Sec.) 17% (Tert.) 55.2% (Up. Sec.) 34% (Tert.) Increase provision of Science and Technology teaching and learning materials at all levels and train teachers on the use. 34% of tertiary students study science and technology fields including agriculture and health sciences. 12 laboratories for secondary schools built. 9
Progress against 2014/15 targets for Sector Indicators and Policy Actions, Cont’d Sector Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Target 2014 performance 2014/15 Policy Actions Progress against Policy Actions Strengthened performance in science, technology and innovation at all levels of education, and application of science, technology and innovation in relevant sectors of the economy Strengthen student support at all levels through career guidance systems 90 teachers (Career Advisors) were trained on “Rwanda Career Planning System. The pilot targets the career assessment for students; registered and done self assessment using the system. 10
Thank You 11