Select questions from 14 formats including Multiple Response, Bimodal, and Dynamic. Save questions in Question Banks for compilation into study guides and tests. Administer assignments and tests in a variety of ways, including paper, plain-paper bubble forms, over a school network, or via the Internet. Manage class rosters and generate comprehensive reports. ExamView Test Manager With the Test Manager you can manage online (LAN) tests, scan results for paper tests (Windows only), get results for online tests, get results from your eInstruction CPS session, and generate numerous reports, including longitudinal student progress reports.
What is the Goal? Test/ Quiz in the Lab Online Review OR
Tests can generate immediate results and excellent reports for charting individual student progress.
Say you just want your students to have a study guide that you wont need to score so that they can review from the lab or at home? Then we need to do something else..... Start with your completed test