The jaguars have a scientific name and its name is the Panther Onca. Jaguars can be up to 6 feet in length. The color of the jaguars can be yellow-brownish with black spots. Some jaguars can even be white!
Jaguars eat fish, turtles, or caimans such as small, alligatorlike animals. Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs.
Jaguars live in the Amazon rainforest and in the Atlantic rainforest. Jaguars live in the South and Central America, particularly in the Amazon Basin. Jaguars live in the forest floor. The climate in the Amazon rainforest, where the jaguars live, is mostly hot and humidity.
I want to study the jaguars because I was always interested in them. 1 interesting question is do they eat anything else besides carnivores? 1 reason why I was so interested on that question is because carnivores don’t just eat other different kinds of carnivores. 1 last reason why I was always interested in that question is because when I grow up someday I might study jaguars!
For researching I will need sunglasses and hats $ from Target to keep the sun out of my eyes, binoculars $20.79 from Target to see clearly, water bottles $3.00 from Target to drink when I’m dehydrated, cook set $22.99 from Target to make food, utensils $7.99 from Target for something to eat with, sunscreen $6.99 from Target so that we don’t get sunburn, compass or GPS $7.99 from Target to keep track of where I am, sleeping bags $29.99 from Target for going to sleep in the rainforest, first-aid kit $9.99 from Target for some type of injury, tents $39.99 from Target to sleep in, cameras $ from Target to take pictures, notebooks $12.99 from Target to write in and take notes in, hiking shoes $34.99 from Target to hike with, raft $18.43 from Walmart if I need to get above the canopy or emergent layer, video cameras $ from Target to record things, rope with lights $21.99 to capture the jaguars and see them, backpacks $47.99 from Target to carry food and other equipments, flashlights $7.99, night vision goggles, and batteries so that we could see in the dark. $1,593 for ground transportation $2, in total
LAX to MAO Los Angeles to Manaus Departure: April 26, 2015 Arrival: April 27, :40 am – 1:32 pm 22 hr 52 min 2 stops Multiple Airlines $3, for 4 people 11:40 am – 7:50 pm 4 hr 25 min Los Angeles (LAX) to Detroit (DTW) Delta st stop (56 min stop Detroit) 8:01 pm – 7:40 am 10 hr 39 min Overnight Detroit (DTW) to Sao Paulo (GRU) Delta 53 2 nd stop (2 hr 15 min stop Sao Paulo) 9:55 am – 1:32 pm 4 hr 37 min Sao Paulo (GRU) to Manaus (MAO) GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes 1650
MAO to LAX Manaus to Los Angeles Departure: May 26, 2015 Arrival: May 27, : 47 am – 8: 45 am 33 hr 58 min 2 stops LAN Airlines $4, for 4 people 1:47 am – 6:35 am 3 hr 48 min Manaus (MAO) to Sao Paulo(GRU) LAN Airlines st stop (12 hr 55 min stop Sao Paulo) 7:30pm – 10:45 pm 5 hr 15 min Sao Paulo (GRU) to Jorge Chaves (LIM) LAN Airlines nd stop (3 hr 15 min stop Jorge Chaves) 2:00 am – 8:45 am 8 hr 45 min Jorge Chaves (LIM) to Los Angeles (LAX) LAN Airlines 600 `
To begin with I do research on jaguars to find information. Then I find the location of the jaguars to know where they live. Next I make “hunches” and questions about the jaguars to know more about them. As soon as I ask questions about the jaguars I observe the jaguars so that I can learn more about them. After that, I learn from observing the jaguars to know the jaguars better, for example, I was hoping that I could learn how they speak to each other. The last thing I do is figuring out how to identify the jaguars so that we don’t get mixed up with identifying other jaguars, for example we could put a micro chip to scan where they are. Questions: Do the jaguars get hot in the sun? Do they drink water? Do jaguars get close to the water? Do jaguars eat any herbivores? Do they only eat carnivores?