Bridging from Research to Action
DWW Goal Translate research-based practices into examples and practical tools that support and improve classroom instruction
Overview Builds a bridge from research to action Major initiative of the U.S. Department of Education Builds on research reviews by IES, especially Practice Guides
Early Childhood Education –Preschool Language and Literacy English Language Learners –Literacy in English K-5 Math and Science –Encouraging Girls in Math and Science –National Math Panel Report: Critical Foundations for Algebra, Major Topics of School Algebra Psychology of Learning –How to Organize Your Teaching Other Topics
School Turnaround: 4 Practices Signal the need for dramatic change with strong leadership. Maintain a consistent focus on improving instruction. Make visible improvements early in the school turnaround process. (quick wins) Build a committed staff.
For Each Practice: Research base/Instructional presentations Expert interviews School site videos and slideshows Interviews and sample materials from schools Tools and templates to implement practices
Website Tour Expert interviews: –Dr. Andrew Calkins –Dr. Daniel Duke –Dr. Bryan Hassel –Dr. Joseph Johnson –Dr. Julie Kowal –Dr. Sam Redding
Website Tour School site videos and slideshows Interviews and sample materials from schools
Website Tour School site videos and slideshows Interviews and sample materials from schools
Website Tour Self-assessment and planning tools