With the team, Hayden has from inception of the NRAS scheme, been instrumental in delivering the NRAS opportunity to the market. He has over the last four years worked closely with Government, the Non Profit Sector and with a cornerstone partner QAHC, working to set NRAS policy with the major financial institutions in Australia. Prior to concentrating on the NRAS legislation, Hayden’s experience was in the financial services and advisory sector based in Sydney, successfully providing Private Client advice in wealth creation. With a strong background in individual and corporate structuring, capital raising and management, Hayden’s understanding of the sector of property and finance of which NRAS relates to is extremely valuable. From your presenter Hayden Lewis B. Fin. Admin. MBA.
Our Role A facilitator of the NRAS scheme from inception Work with Developers to assist in NRAS application Education and assistance in asset selection for investors. Both NRAS and Open market stock Our entire business philosophy is designed to assist with finding the best NRAS property investment for your clients Our people provide both the tools and information to assist in informed decisions. Today begins with education!
What is NRAS ? Social Housing Community HousingOpen Market Property NRAS Property Government OperatedOpen Market
NRAS property selection: Type and locations Property is no different to open market property next door Valuations are no different to open market valuations Rental is linked to Market Growth should be above average National Growth 8.3% last 30 years – Where do you see the market?
NRAS – Who are the tenants? 1.5 million eligible households underpins strong demand Key workers: Many on award wages. FYI The NRAS increases Not only Increases from $9,981 to $10,350 - BUT also enables higher incomes for tenants, still eligible to qualify The income limits for a household which does not include a sole parent are: $48,336 for the first sole parent $45,956 for the first adult (if there are no sole parents) $17,579 for each additional adult $15,243 for each child For Example: A couple with three children earning up to $109,264 per annum would be eligible to rent an NRAS home. In addition, NRAS allows for tenant salary increases of up to 25 per cent above the income limit thresholds which means, this family could earn up to $136,580 for two years before they become ineligible for the discounted rent.
AssumptionsNon NRASNRAS Property Cost and Loan360,000380,000 Gross Rent (NRAS 20% less) Investor Tax Rate31.50% Interest Rate5.90% Cash Flow Gross Rent (4% vacancy = 50 wks with tenants)18,50016,000 Interest21,24022,420 Property Expenses4,156 Pre-Tax Cash Flow-6,896-10,576 Building Depreciation4,500 Fittings Depreciation3,150 Interest21,24022,420 Property Expenses4,156 Loan Costs900 Total Deductions33,94635,126 Tax Loss (Rent – Deductions)-15,446-19,126 Tax Credit4,8656,025 NRAS credit 9,981 Total Credits4,86516,006 Annual Cash Flow($2,031) $5,430 Weekly Cash Flow($39) $104 HOW NRAS WORKS
Managing your investment Buying and Selling a NRAS Property Secured Income Stream Hassle Free Ownership Getting the basics right – We work with you
NRAS benefits and summary 10 year NRAS term on property Significant income benefits Secured income streams Hassle Free ownership A solid bricks and mortar investment
The process of investing in an NRAS property Creating information content to inform your clients of NRAS We do the heavy lifting in educating client in NRAS Investment rewards Determine capacity to purchase a NRAS Property - Finance pre approval Finding the right property – Asset Selection Commercial arrangements in working together
Q & A Testimonial I have partnered with Hayden Lewis CEO of nrasaustralia.com.au to assist in the NRAS education and asset selection for my clients at IPS. Hayden spoke with authority at our recent seminar alongside fellow presenter Grant Abbott. I have valued the support of the NRAS team and the strength of information and professionalism in which they have interacted with our clients. John Illingworth Managing Partner IPS Questions from the floor?