Catchment Action Plan: Technical briefing Presented by:Lyndal Hasselman Melissa Schrader
Tonight will give you An understanding of how systems thinking will be used An understanding of how your input will make a difference Confidence in the designed process
What is it? Cabinet approved plan for the Lachlan Catchment Helps to set priorities for using our limited resources We implement it by working with the communities that manage our natural resources
Why are we upgrading it? CMAs started in mid 2004 First Catchment Action Plan for the Lachlan was published in 2006 The world has changed Requirement in NSW State plan that all CMAs upgrade their plan by March 2013 The Natural Resources Commission’s role
Why are we upgrading it?
adaptive social- ecological systems science partnerships community values
Social-ecological systems humans in the landscape we live here, we use things in the landscape for food, shelter and fibre in doing this, we change the landscape It’s a two way thing! economic ^
Social-ecological systems economic ^ Landscapes Livelihoods Lifestyles
Resilience “the ability of the system to absorb disturbance and still retain its basic function and structure” Distance to threshold – ability to absorb shock Ability to change – and then change back To change state – and still function (could also lose function)
North Atlantic Kelp Forests Atlantic cod Sea urchins Crabs Kelp Over fishing
Sea urchins Crabs Kelp North Atlantic Kelp Forests
Sea urchins Crabs Kelp Over fishing Atlantic cod ? North Atlantic Kelp Forests
Cod KelpSea urchins
Don’t you love it when things just work? Each of those little pieces when arranged perfectly comes together like magic. What would happen if just one of these pieces changed? or was missing?
So what is your role? To provide your knowledge, experience, observations of how this landscape works Help us understand this landscape We will be asking you to: Explore Consider Inspire