EXPLAINING THE 3 DEMONSTRATIONS A. We will do 3 Demonstrations of an appointment: Demo of Response 1: The contact says : “ I would like to pray before deciding ” Demo of Response 2: The contact says : “ Yes, I will become your Ministry Partner ” Demo of Response 3: The contact says: “ No, I can’t become a Ministry Partner with you ” B. Explain who will play what role?
How we will Demo Response 1 Imagine this demonstration is a real a life situation a) Take out your “Flow” sheet. b) Look at the top of the sheet and follow it as the “Before appt critique” and the “after appt critique” are done. c) Keep an eye on the “Flow” sheet as you watch the appt Demo and try to see how the Modeler is doing each item on the sheet. d) In this Demo, the Potential Ministry Partner will give the response: “I need time to pray about it.” e) After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations. The Demo will begin with the “Before Appointment Critique”
How we will Demo Response 2 Imagine this demonstration is a real a life situation. The Demo will begin from the last paragraph of the “Our Team’s Current Needs” Sheet, and end when the modeler prays for the MP and says “goodbye” 1. In this Demo, the Potential Ministry Partner will say, “ Yes, I will become your Ministry Partner ” 2. The modeler will: thank him & give his certificate, collect his info & that of his family, determine the support collection method, give him the leaving piece ask for contacts pray for him & take a picture with him 3. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
How we will Demo Response 3 Imagine this demonstration is a real a life situation. The Demo will begin from the last paragraph of the “Our Team’s Current Needs” Sheet, and end when the modeler prays for the MP and says “goodbye” 1. In this Demo, the Potential Ministry Partner will say, “ No, I can’t become a Ministry Partner with you ” 2. The modeler will: give him the leaving piece ask for contacts pray for & with him 3. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
After the Demos of Responses 1,2 &3 A. In all three of the Potential Ministry Partners responses (I.e. “Yes”; “No”, and “Call back for the decision.”) notice that the modeler : (1). Stayed Positive (2). Gave the Leaving Piece (3). Asked for contacts using the “Others Who Care” sheet. B. Question and answer time about the 3 Demos.
Before The Drill of Response 1, 2 & 3 1. Pair up for the Drill (I.e. 2X2 practice)-Husband and wife should not be together. 2. Take 5 minutes to memorize the “Flow of an Appointment” sheet. 3. Try to be able to say it a. Naturally b. With enthusiasm c. Without more than 4 mistakes.
How To do the Drill of Response 1 (Call back to know my decison) To save time, you need to skip most of the Photo Album. You should concentrate on doing every part of the “Flow of an Appointment” correctly. (I.e. Each item mentioned in the Flow needs to be included in your Drill.) Introductions: Ask about Them Tell about of yourself Picture card Salvation Testimony Transition Statement Photo Album: 1 or 2 war stories 4sLaws Questions? Close: Example Prayer letter Financial Policy Current Needs Sheet Envelope The Leaving Piece Contacts Prayer & Picture
How To do the Drill of Response 2 (Yes, I will Partner with you!) To save time, you need to start from the last paragraph of the “Team’s Current Needs” sheet The modeler should: thank him & give his certificate, collect his info & that of his family, determine the support collection method, give him the leaving piece ask for contacts pray for him & take a picture with him The drill ends when the modeler prays for the MP and says “goodbye”
How To do the Drill of Response 3 (No, I Cannot Partner with you!) To save time, you need to start from the last paragraph of the “Team’s Current Needs” sheet The modeler should: give him the leaving piece ask for contacts pray for & with him The drill ends when the modeler prays for the MP and says “goodbye”
ACTION POINTS : 1. Practice reading the “ Flow of an Appointment ” sheet until you can do all the parts without looking and have memorized the “one minute flow” (The parts in red). 2. Practice sharing the Photo Album while smiling. Imagine you are with a close friend. 3. Practice asking for contacts using the wording of “Asking for Contacts: the Best Wording”.