Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 3 – Entertain Me Alternative Devices Although his laptop will play music using media software, Jamie could buy a portable media player such as the ones shown. What are the advantages of buying a media player like the ones shown? What other media could he access as well as mp3 files. What other devices could he use to listen to his music.
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 3 – Entertain Me Jamie’s responsibilities Jamie must now dispose of his old laptop carefully, as his laptop may contain hazardous material. Laptops, TV’s and similar equipment should be taken to a waste recycling site or donate it to an organisation that could give it someone that needs it. Discussion Points: 1.Why should Jamie make sure to erase all his files on his old laptop? 2.Why must he uninstall any software that he has purchased? 3.What are his options when comes to wiping his laptop clean? 4.Should we destroy and recycle the parts OR recycle to someone that needs it? Discussion Points: 1.Why should Jamie make sure to erase all his files on his old laptop? 2.Why must he uninstall any software that he has purchased? 3.What are his options when comes to wiping his laptop clean? 4.Should we destroy and recycle the parts OR recycle to someone that needs it? Activity: Take a look at this website: Create a Digital Fact-file on the next slide highlighting the environmental and social advantages to recycling. Activity: Take a look at this website: Create a Digital Fact-file on the next slide highlighting the environmental and social advantages to recycling.
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 3 – Entertain Me The environmental and social advantages of recycling computer equipment Create a Digital Fact-file on the next slide highlighting the environmental and social advantages to recycling.
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 3 – Entertain Me 1. Find all the laptops with a Blu-ray drive and HDMI interface. Sort by price, most expensive first: 2. Search for laptops between £400 and £750, sort by price, cheapest first: Database Exercise – Laptop Choices Download the database called: Laptop Choices.fp7 and carry out the follow 3 exercises and report on the next slide. Paste a screenshot of your results in the spaces provided. 3. Find three new laptops on the Internet and add them to the database:
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 3 – Entertain Me 4. Produce a report for Jamie showing all the laptops with a processor speed of 1.8GHz or more that are wireless enabled with at least 4 USB ports: Database Exercise – Laptop Choices Paste a screenshot of your report the space provided.