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All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Portfolio Management: Portfolio management deals with the analysis of individual securities as well as with the theory and practice of optimally combining securities into portfolios. Choice depends upon the risk-return characteristics of individual securities. Elements of Portfolio Management: Evaluating investor and market characteristics Developing an investment policy statement Determining an asset allocation strategy Measuring and evaluating performance Monitoring dynamic investor objectives and capital market conditions
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Steps in the Portfolio Management Process: Planning, Execution and Feedback Investment Objectives: Risk and Return Investment Constraints Liquidity constraints: Cash outflows > income : Higher liquidty requirements mean lower risk tolerance Time horizon constraints: Time period over which portfolio is expected to generate returns: Length affects ability to take risk and asset allocation Tax Consideration: Government takes a cut on returns : Important for individual investors Legal and regulatory factors: External constraints : Important for institutional investors Unique circumstances: Catch all category : Individual investor with special needs child Investment Policy Statement Investment Strategies: Passive, Active, Semi-Active Strategic Asset Allocations:
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 InvestorReturn RequirementRisk Tolerance Individual investorDepends on life cycle stage Defined benefit pension plan Sufficient to fund pension liability while accounting for inflation Depends on plan features, age of workforce, and funding status of plan Defined contribution pension plan Depends on life cycle stage of beneficiaries Depends on risk tolerance of beneficiaries Endowments and foundations Sufficient to cover spending needs, expenses, and inflation Generally average or above average Life insurance companies Function of policy holder reserve rates Below average because of significant regulatory constraints Non-life insurance companies Function of policy pricing and financial strength Below average because of significant regulatory constraints BanksFunction of cost of funds Depends on business model and financial strength Investment Objectives of Individual and Institutional Investors
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Phases of Portfolio Management: Security analysis Portfolio analysis Portfolio selection Portfolio revision Portfolio evaluation Evolution of Portfolio Management Role of Portfolio Management
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Phases of Portfolio Management: Security analysis Portfolio analysis Portfolio selection Portfolio revision Portfolio evaluation Evolution of Portfolio Management Role of Portfolio Management
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University Investment Management 2.The Portfolio Perspective 3.Portfolio Management as a Process 4.The Portfolio Management Process Logic 5.Investment Objectives and Constraints 6.The Dynamics of the Process 7.The Future of Portfolio Management 8.The Ethical Responsibilities of Portfolio Management Portfolio Management Process and Investment Policy Statement
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Portfolio Perspective and Portfolio Management Process Risk Return evaluated at portfolio level Recognizes benefits of diversification Attention on Systematic risk Analyze portfolio risk/return and not risk/return of individual securities. 1.Planning Analyzing objectives and constraints Developing IPS Determining investment strategy Asset allocation 2. Execution 3. Feedback
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Investment Objectives Risk Objectives Investor’s willingness to take risk Investor’s ability to take risk Individual : Behavioral factors (willingness) Institutions: Portfolio constraints (ability) Factors affecting ability to take risk: Required spending needs Long term wealth target Financial strength Liabilities
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Ability to Take Risk Willingness to Take Risk Below AverageAbove Average Below AverageLower risk tolerance Education/ resolution required Above Average Education/ resolution requiredHigher risk tolerance
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Investment Objectives: Returns More on time horizons Short, Long, Multi stage (ST to LT) Life cycle considerations Future beneficiaries Return Objectives Desired return (stated by client) Required return (determined by long term goals) Must be consistent with risk objective: Total return perspective
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Introduction to Portfolio Management Ability to Take Risk Willingness to Take Risk Below AverageAbove Average Below AverageLower risk tolerance Education/ resolution required Above Average Education/ resolution requiredHigher risk tolerance For a given set of securities, any number of portfolios can be constructed. A rational investor attempts to find the most efficient of these portfolios. The efficiency of each portfolio can be evaluated only in terms of the expected return and risk of the portfolio as such. It is known as “Portfolio Analysis”. It is based on “Mean-Variance” Analysis.
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All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Points to Remember According to the portfolio perspective, individual investments should be judged in the context of how much risk they add to a portfolio rather than on how risky they are on a stand- alone basis. The three steps in the portfolio management process are the planning step (objectives and constraint determination, investment policy statement creation, capital market expectation formation, and strategic asset allocation creation); the execution step (portfolio selection/composition and portfolio implementation); and the feedback step (performance evaluation and portfolio monitoring and rebalancing). Investment objectives are specific and measurable desired performance outcomes, and constraints are limitations on the ability to make use of particular investments. The two types of objectives are risk and return. The two types of constraints are internal (posed by the characteristics of the investor) and external (imposed by outside agencies). An investment policy statement is a written planning document that governs all investment decisions for the client. This document integrates a client’s needs, preferences, and circumstances into a statement of that client’s objectives and constraints. A policy or strategic asset allocation establishes exposures to IPS-permissible asset classes in a manner designed to satisfy the client’s long-run objectives and constraints. The plan reflects the interaction of objectives and constraints with long-run capital market expectations.
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Points to Remember In A passive investment strategy approach, portfolio composition does not react to changes in expectations; an example is indexing, which involves a fixed portfolio designed to replicate the returns on an index. An active approach involves holding a portfolio different from a benchmark or comparison portfolio for the purpose of producing positive excess risk-adjusted returns. A semiactive approach refers to an indexing approach with controlled use of weights different from the benchmark. The portfolio selection/composition decision concerns portfolio construction and often uses portfolio optimization to combine assets efficiently to achieve return and risk objectives. The portfolio implementation decision concerns the trading desk function of implementing portfolio decisions and involves explicit and implicit transaction costs. The elements of performance evaluation are performance measurement, attribution, and appraisal. Performance measurement is the calculation of portfolio rates of return. Performance attribution is the analysis of those rates of return to determine the factors that explain how the return was achieved. Performance appraisal assesses how well the portfolio manager performed on a risk-adjusted basis, whether absolute or relative to a benchmark. Portfolio monitoring and rebalancing use feedback to manage ongoing exposures to available investment opportunities in order to continually satisfy the client’s current objectives and constraints.
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Points to Remember In Portfolio management is an ongoing process in which the investment objectives and constraints are identified and specified, investment policies and strategies are developed, the portfolio composition is decided in detail, portfolio decisions are initiated by portfolio managers and implemented by traders, portfolio performance is evaluated, investor and market conditions are monitored, and any necessary rebalancing is implemented. To determine a risk objective, there are several steps: specify a risk measure (or measures) such as standard deviation, determine the investor’s willingness to take risk, determine the investor’s ability to take risk, synthesize the investor’s willingness and ability into the investor’s risk tolerance, and specify an objective using the measure(s) in the first step above. To determine a return objective, there are several steps: specify a return measure such as total nominal return, determine the investor’s stated return desire, determine the investor’s required rate of return, and specify an objective in terms of the return measure in the first step above. A liquidity requirement is a need for cash in excess of the contribution rate or the savings rate at a specified point in time. This need may be either anticipated or unanticipated.
All Rights Reserved to Kardan University 2014 Points to Remember In A time horizon is the time period associated with an investment objective. Investment objectives and associated time horizons may be short term, long term, or a combination of these two. A multistage horizon is a combination of shorter term and longer term horizons. A time horizon can be considered a constraint because shorter time horizons generally indicate lower risk tolerance and hence constrain portfolio choice, making it more conservative. A tax concern is any issue arising from a tax structure that reduces the amount of the total return that can be used for current needs or reinvested for future growth. Tax concerns constrain portfolio choice. If differences exist between the tax rates applying to investment income and capital gains, tax considerations will influence the choice of investment. Legal and regulatory factors are external considerations that may constrain investment decision making. For example, a government agency may limit the use of certain asset classes in retirement portfolios. Unique circumstances are internal factors (other than a liquidity requirement, time horizon, or tax concerns) that may constrain portfolio choices. For example, an investor seeking to avoid investments in tobacco companies will place an internal constraint on portfolio choice.
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