Mentoring and SHARE
The Mentoring Concept The functionality is very flexible in its design. Currently the model can handle the following one – on one mentoring. Typical examples are: – Self improvement plans – Performance Review action plans or goals – Mentoring of new staff … and more Current functionality includes: – Mentoring programs, mentoring plans and mentor profiles
Mentoring Programs These are created by the Mentoring administration and set a number of parameters related to the way the system will handle this particular program. The parameters include: – tasks allowed, (SHARE visits, self study, etc) – associate mentee and mentor employee groups – associated mentee and mentor approval groups – mentoring administration and training assistant mentoring program
Mentoring Plans, Objectives & Tasks These are created by the mentor, mentee or a joint collaboration. The mentoring plan is basically a user’s personal instance of a mentoring program. Within the mentoring plan, the mentor and mentee can define objectives of the plan and the tasks planned to achieve these objectives. mentoring plan
Mentor Profiles A user can create a unique mentoring profile for each mentoring program they wish to participate in as a mentor. It allows them to define: – Date range, location, profile notes, area of support (new), number of mentees – Subject and grades based on user profile (new) Approval required. Mentoring Profile
Search / Manage Manage Mentoring Profiles Mentoring Administrator management tool. Manage Mentoring Plans Mentoring Administrator management tool. Manage Mentoring Plan Tasks Mentoring Administrator management tool.
SHARE SHARE is the capability for the mentee / mentor process to partner with a third party (SHARE host) for on-site observation. Current functionality includes: – SHARE Categories, SHARE Host Profiles and SHARE Visits
Share Categories Created by the Mentoring administration and set a number of parameters related to the way the system will handle this particular category of SHARE. The parameters include: – share types, area of support (new) – release time availability and codes for mentee, mentor and SHARE host – SHARE Host approval group – Mentoring administrator and training assistant – Mentee and Share host Survey links Share categories Share categories
SHARE Host Profiles A user can create a unique SHARE host profile for each share category they wish to participate. It allows them to define: – Notes (User, admin, Site Role), share type, area of support (new) – applicable site/location and applicable date range – Subject and grades based on users profile (new) – Number of visits allowed Share Profiles
SHARE Visits A user can create SHARE visits as tasks within their Mentoring Plan. They search for a SHARE host and request a visit The request goes through a series of approval levels depending upon the SHARE category the request is part of. – The levels are: SHARE Host, the Mentee Approval Group and the Mentor Approval Group.
Search / Manage Manage SHARE Profiles Mentoring Administrator management tool. Manage Scheduled Share Visits Mentee and mentor management tool.
Evaluations / Surveys LimeSurvey® An integrated third party survey application with powerful capabilities 28 different question types (arrays, dates, gender, numeric, ranking, text, Yes/No, equations, multiple choice, single choice, sub questions) Question Types