Future Trends and Innovation Strategies for Extension Jerold R. Thomas eXtension/Ohio State University
Issues/trends Tech Tsunami Funding Professional development Demographics Organizational structure
Horizon 2015 Trends - 1 year or less Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Flipped Classroom
Horizon 2015 Trends years Makerspaces Wearable Technology
Horizon 2015 Trends years Adaptive Learning Technologies The Internet of Things (IoT)
What is innovation? ●Applied creativity ●Something different that has an impact ●Typically different than gradual change ●Often disruptive ●Non - linear
Innovation requires... ●Forward thinking - futuristic (innovation is about the future) ●Creativity ●Critical thinking ●Supportive culture - experimentation ●Ability to accept and learn from failure ●Hard work
Different types of innovation Structure Process Network Brand Customer engagement Product
Confirmation bias Our philosophical model is to get data, analyze the data, then make a decision We really seek information that confirms our beliefs Once we realize this is human behavior we can start to recognize and deal with it
Innovation Out of habit, we cling to the “obvious” ideas from the past. Innovation is about un-learning the past and discovering the future. - Phil McKinny
Some strategies Experiment/culture Little bets Lean startup Google (3M) MIT - 5x5x5x5