Helping support young people § Building Resilience Helping support young people Jamie Prangnell – Managing Director {Skills Show - Birmingham} Welcome everybody, my name is… During the next 45mins I’ll be talking about: What building resilience means The technology behind the mental healthcare apps How we co-designed and developed them with BSMHFT And the knowledge we’ve gained as a result Video case study of clinicians and patients talking about how apps can help In the last 5 minutes of my presentation I’ll take questions. “Appadoodle have been extremely accommodating of our ideas, helping to refine and tailor them according to our patients’ needs.” – BSMHFT Early Intervention Services for Psychosis
What is Building Resilience? Being Mindful Helping build mental health resilience What is Building Resilience? Being Mindful First what does mental health mean? We all know the importance of physical health, so equally the same applies to mental health Unlike physical health, mental health seems to be a taboo subject even though at some stage we all suffer common mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety, or depression. BR is about coping with different life pressures It’s finding coping strategies to overcome these different challenges, which can stem across all areas of life: Exam pressure Changing school Thinking of future careers Bullying, or peer pressure Relationship or family issues Overcoming various Ultimately resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and problem solve life's challenges
Raising Awareness of Mental Health Helping build mental health resilience Over half of mental disorders first emerge in childhood and adolescence (Kessler et al., 2007) - Possibilities for early identification and intervention…
Raising Awareness of Mental Health Helping build mental health resilience Attributes of resilient young people: Social competence: empathy, caring, flexibility, communication skills, and a sense of humour Problem-solving skills: think abstractly, generate alternate solutions, planning, seek help from others Critical consciousness: insightful awareness of structures of cruelty (e.g. an alcoholic parent) and strategies in overcoming them. Autonomy: sense of own identity, act independently, able to exert some control over the environment Sense of purpose: having goals, educational aspirations, and a belief in a bright future (Zolkoski and Bullock 2012)
Building Mental Health Resilience Software solutions need to be aligned to a strong requirement 1 Resilience 2 3 4 5 6 Identify the trigger / problem What would I like to happen? What is the first step I need to take? Who can help? Where else can I look for support? What makes me feel better? Reflection and self discovery Building Blocks
Smartphone Use Young People Helping build mental health resilience
Digital Support: Mental Health Helping build mental health resilience through the use of mobile apps
Silver Linings Mobile App Helping build mental health resilience through the use of mobile apps Silver Linings is an app to help young people who have experienced an episode of Psychosis The app is designed to improve understanding of experiences and help recovery as well as being helpful and fun. It offers the tools to imaprove mental health and help patients to stay positive. An important feature of the app is to help you identify goals and work towards achieving these with rewards for challenges
Helping build mental health resilience through the use of mobile apps Focus ADHD Mobile App Helping build mental health resilience through the use of mobile apps The ADHD team were keen to explore ways in which they could support patients as many weren't able to reflect their mood, diet, sleep and whether they'd taken their medication on time – all vital to wellbeing and progress Working with patients to help design the App – individuals can now record their activities and mental status – and easily find helpful advice encouraging co-responsibility for progress and engagement with clinical staff
Idea, Concept and Final Product Ideas can start with a drawing and basic wireframe
How we work with clinicians to build software solutions Mobile App Dev Process How we work with clinicians to build software solutions Roadmap Delivery & Launch Testing System Architecture DEVELOP Requirement Analysis DESIGN DELIVER Technical Specification Discuss Concept App Development “Appadoodle are clear thinkers and communicate ideas in jargon-free language for technology naïve clients.” - Dr Erin Turner
Innovative features born out of partnership working App Features Innovative features born out of partnership working Mood diary Diagnostic data Dynamic content Smart advice Scheduled alerts Push notifications Medication reminders Gamification Educational
Innovation: Gamification An innovative way to engage users and achieve results Personal Engages Empowers users Rewards Reinforcement Social & supportive Fun and progressive
“What patients and clinicians say..” NHS Co-Design and Development Video case study of how mobile apps can support mental health “What patients and clinicians say..” NHS Co-Design and Development
The full process of design and developing software Lessons Learnt The full process of design and developing software Initial Meeting Testing User Involvement User interface design Future Proofing Front-end Design Workflow diagram Launch Validation milestone1 milestone2 milestone3 milestone4 milestone5 milestone6 Refinement User journey mapping User Requirements Wireframes Content Population Artwork Maintenance Coding We’ve been working with BSMHFT for nearly 2 years It’s been an exciting and inspiring journey We’ve learnt a lot, which we’re ready to share with other NHS trusts and healthcare bodies Initial Contact Planning Content Design Development Launch