Oxfordshire Networking Day Welcome from Stuart Henshaw Oxfordshire Sports Board Member
What is the purpose of the Network Days? to support professionals working within the sport and physical activity sector in Oxfordshire.
Today’s agenda
Partnership Update Successes Chris Freeman Managing Director
Partners successes
Active People results 150 Minutes-61.2% 22.2% less 30 NI % %
Funding support £470,000 secured so far with £874k awaiting
Programme success Sportivate-1508 retained 800 Coaches supported GO Active Sport Makers- 497 volunteers dep Travel Challenge-59 businesses and 1005 people
2013/14 highlights Sports Awards 96% satisfaction OSP School Games Level 3 Coaching Conference PE Conference 13 th February Wheels For All
The Future 2015 Political 2012 consensus waning Social impact sport Austerity remains CSPs ‘ delivery network’ VUCA world
2014/15 Delivery Plan
How do we work better together? Build Networks- Morton Hansen Informal weak ties- good opportunities/relationships Switch Strong ties- complicated issues
Strong Ties Network Groups
The idea GkUDhuUJchttp:// GkUDhuUJc
Strong Ties Network Groups Single big opportunity All members equal Time limited Partner Champion
Taking it forward 10 minutes to discuss the concept Like Not so keen
BIG Opportunity
Big Opportunities Facility Access Workplaces Older people Rural participation Themed sports- team- water-etc
Big Opportunities Indicate interest with existing Big Opportunity wall New opportunities Interest?
Way Forward Collate ideas Send Possible Network Groups out Champion-Core Team Pilot- review Report back July Network Day