CHECK-IN PROCESS AT LIVESTOCK SHOWS An evaluation of electronic kiosks used for animal check-in at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition
WHY THIS INNOVATION WAS CHOSEN I have had the pleasure to work for the Livestock Office at several stock shows throughout the state as an undergraduate student. Every organization does things a little bit differently, but for the most part, the process is generally the same. Having seen the check-in process at so many different shows, both as an exhibitor in my youth and an employee in recent years, I am able to see what works best and why. In my opinion, this innovation has been extremely successful in the eyes of staff and participants. I worked for the San Antonio Livestock Show from November 2014 to April 2015, and was a key part of the innovation’s continued implementation at their 2015 show.
CHECK-IN PROCESS Exhibitors enter their animals into the show months before the show takes place. Once they arrive, they are required to check-in. The check-in process consists of the exhibitor (with their parent and AST/CEA) submitting information such as animal breed, weight, and age to the staff after arrival. This information is used to accurately place each animal in the correct class of the show. Prior to the introduction of the kiosks, exhibitors were given a form to fill out by hand and manually turn in to the livestock office. Staff would then enter all the information by hand into a spreadsheet, which would be imported into the ShoWorks program used by S.A.L.E. and sorted into classes. This process was usually accompanied by some instances of human error, as well as very long lines to turn in forms. Once all information was turned in, there was an extended turn around time to provide exhibitors with their class information.
INNOVATION DECISION AND DEVELOPMENT The issues presented previously were a huge concern for the staff at S.A.L.E., so they began brainstorming ways to improve the process for staff and exhibitors alike. They contacted advisors and exhibitors for feedback on their experience with check- in, as well as potential sponsors who may be interested in helping find a solution. Capital Farm Credit stepped up and helped S.A.L.E. develop the electronic kiosk system to alleviate the issues faced with checking-in thousands of animals. Materials were purchased, and with Capital Farm Credit’s outstanding support and partnership, the solution was ready for use.
HOW DOES IT WORK? These kiosks are composed of a touch-screen monitor and a bar code scanner set into a wooden box and set on a table. Exhibitors are given a card with individualized bar codes for each entry upon arrival. They simply scan their card, input the required information, and click submit. The kiosks are connected to a receipt printer which provides users with a printed copy of the information they just entered via the kiosk. Once check-in is complete, the staff is able to import all submitted information into their show data software, ShoWorks. From there, the staff is able to easily break classes and sort data for each show.
FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF ADOPTION The kiosk system used to input information was highly compatible with the ShoWorks program already in use by staff. S.A.L.E. did a trial run of 10 kiosks in 2013 to test the system before fully implementing them in Because of the kiosks all being in the same area of the barn, users were easily able to observe the innovation in use.
FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF ADOPTION Developers made the system to be extremely user friendly, giving it a low complexity. The relative advantages to this innovation is higher accuracy with information transfer, increased satisfaction with exhibitors, and a major cutback on the time dedicated to processing check-in data by staff.
SUCCESS OF THE INNOVATION “Lines were shorter than ever before, and the overall check-in time significantly decreased.” “…eliminates the opportunity for human error that occurred when information was transferred by hand.” “The easy-to use touch screen monitors made the entire process very user-friendly.” “…younger exhibitors enjoyed going to the check-in area with their advisor or parent so they could help them enter information on the screen.”
AWARD WINNING PROGRAM “Check-in for any major livestock show is a constantly evolving process. Volunteer leadership, superintendents, staff, and sponsors who support S.A.L.E’s mission have come together to help make this important part of the show simpler, more reliable, and still more efficient. S.A.L.E’s new check-in kiosks helped add value to the show by improving the exhibitor experience!” -Jeff Thayne, Managing Director of Competitive Events at S.A.L.E. The San Antonio Livestock Exposition won an award for a “Program designed to correct and issue or problem related to a competitive or non- competitive agriculture program” from the International Association of Fairs and Expositions in 2014 for the successful implementation of the kiosk system.
QUESTIONS? Thank you! Kristen Berger ALEC M.S. Student